Source Code

FINA Approved

When the johnson is longer than the FINA Approved Swim Starting Blocks.

P1, Wow that johnson is quite long and girthy

P2, I wonder if it’s FINA Approved

by Loochie Queen November 4, 2023

peer approved

Wortplay on the scientific standard of peer review. When you're friend approve of someone or something.

I know this guy/girl is showing some serious red flags. But for now I'll cut him/her some slack, because he/she is peer approved.

by sebastian6129 September 2, 2022


What Knuckles does when he sees a good meme.

“excellent meme! approved!” *stamp*

by PBJelly6 November 4, 2023

Spath Approves

An instance where an individual with the first name of “Blaise”, gives a thumbs up gesture, indicating their approval of ones actions and/or their agreement with a certain timely moment.

Guy #1: Did you hear about the fire at the circus the other day?
Guy #2: No! What happened?
Guy #1: You should have seen it. It was in tents!
Blaise: *Gestures the thumbs up indicating the approval of Spath*.
Spath Approves

by Jakeywakey14 September 14, 2019

Woman Approved

When your drawing was approved by every female in art class.

X got woman approved

by God747 February 23, 2022

Approve plz

Plz approve

Approve plz.

by Jamie5353 April 1, 2020


Best process or procedure ever.

These prerolls have clearly been made in a Greg-approved way.

by DSD1 July 2, 2022