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gander bumps

Like goose bumps but much stronger
goose bumps on steroids

Dude one: I am so excited, I have goose bumps all over me
Dude two: Only goose bumps? I have gander bumps, I am much more excited than you.

by jerry freeman January 19, 2013

bump up

increase something.

"they finally agreed to bump up her salary"

by Arminkshipper July 24, 2024

Stump bumping

When a man inserts a chard or meth into his penis for a rock hard erection.

J loves to stump bumping before masterbating

by V193 September 27, 2020

Bump Buddies

A group of two or more women who share a close friendship, and who also happen to be pregnant at the same time

I love being bump buddies with Lucy, I can't wait to meet her new son

by Metallicajunkie October 10, 2018

Bumping that depression

Turning up to sad music that brings back bad memories

Frank was bumping that depression when he was in his bed

by Frank abbs July 21, 2018