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A series of tests done in Year 6 in England.

Person 1: Hey how SATs revision going?
Person 2: REVISION?!?!?!?!?

by Beyhive-StarWarsFan January 28, 2022


short for satoshis
1 BTC = 100,000,000 SATs

I used my whole paycheck to stack more sats

by beef yogurt January 17, 2023


It means sticky ass tip

Bruh she can’t handle this SAT I swear.

by AnkleReport aka AnkAnkSwagg August 23, 2021


a term usually used as a command or an action. to Plan-A-Sat is to make plans for a saturday, usually with girls. generally at a place of mass socializing. such as the mall, the movies, or whatever your in to

Bob: Man that Girl Kara is mighty hot.
James: Yea, id like to chill with her friend Ali too, wanna Plan-A-Sat?

by James Derrick June 25, 2007

Sat On Sunscreen

A person that eats the toilet water & pisses in the sink. Rarely showers, but when they do, they curb stomp their shit into the drain and spit into the soap bottles.

Wow, Sat On Sunscreen smells like inbetween my grandmothers teeth

by InCappedYourAss July 13, 2019

Sat Peek

When you 10hour peek swing the angle and miss every shot like a knackerleenies knackster

look at this sat peek by owen saturify the pussy hes so knacks

by Zan Ziggidy Zog June 5, 2023

The Sat Nav

A type of dance. Actions which show the often used instructions by a sat nav, for example, At the roundabout go back on yourself.

Steve "What is that retard doing with his arms?"

Brian "He's doing the sat nav"

by General Directions May 19, 2011