Source Code


the location of a spiderweb.

The spider infestation has caused a host of websites.

by kidzsay December 24, 2014

Website Designing Company

Our website designing company has vast experience in the field of website designing. We provide best-in-class website design services.

website designing company

by Sterco Digitex September 6, 2022

Website Fingerprinting

The capability of a site to identify or re-identify a visiting user, user agent or device via configuration settings or other observable characteristics.

Facebook used website fingerprinting to collect my thoughts, interests, and desires.

by sffdfdssfdsfsdfafd April 15, 2018

Unsafe websites

a unsafe website is a website that scams or hacks/gives ur device a virus, sometimes they are trafficking! please do be careful Today I had looked up my YouTube and saw it had been being used for horrible websites, please be very careful<3

Jupiter: why is there images popping up on my computer!

Kai: YOU HAVE A VIRUS 🤦🏼 ♂️ YOU WENT ON A UNSAFE WEBSITE! Unsafe websites are bad!

by Sanriogirl? December 5, 2021

Unsafe websites

a unsafe website is a website that scams or hacks/gives ur device a virus, sometimes they are trafficking! please do be careful Today I had looked up my YouTube and saw it had been being used for horrible websites, please be very careful<3

Jupiter: why is there images popping up on my computer!

Kai: YOU HAVE A VIRUS 🤦🏼 ♂️ YOU WENT ON A UNSAFE WEBSITE! Unsafe websites are bad!

by Sanriogirl? December 5, 2021

What is this website?

Its Urban Dictionary, a place where you can waste your time reading difinitions like this crap you've just read lol

What is this website?
oh damn, you can search definitions for stuff here, how cool
*4 hours later*
HmmMM WHaT tHE deFIniTIon FOr ThE WoRD bUtt?????

by Underscore_Bread October 5, 2023

But eventually the word will phase from existence; and this is how the website will die.

the word will not exist anymore therefore thats how a website will die.

me: bro But eventually the word will phase from existence; and this is how the website will die.

John: we cant let the word phase from existence!!!! or the website will die

by thisusernameisthirtycharacters September 3, 2021