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The exceedingly uncomfortable and inconvenient bent-far-forward position that you are forced to assume when sitting on the toilet and trying to urinate, but you have a "stubborn" boner that refuses to "relax", and so you have to awkwardly lean way over with your head down between your knees in order to rotate your abdomen far enough to get the tip of Mr. Happy down into the bowl.

It's a good idea to take a good long whiz **before** "getting it on hot 'n' heavy" with a luscious chick --- especially if you also take a Viagra/Cialis pill prior to said bouncy-bouncy --- to avoid any unexpected stiffy-squats.

by QuacksO April 16, 2019

nub stiffy

Another term for a ladyboner.

Man, David Bowie in "Labyrinth" still gives me a nub stiffy.

Sarah has a serious nub stiffy from Viggo Mortensen in Aragorn gear... I wonder why

by ArcheryNerd July 8, 2013

stiffy wiffy

a slang term for an erection, usually used in dominant female / submissive male relationships.

dom: does my sub have a stiffy wiffy for me?
sub: yes mommy

by urhahamomhaha August 24, 2022

Stiffy Flipping

Combining ecstasy and viagra to increase the sexual desires of a long night of partying.

dumbass1-Bro, let's start stiffy flipping!

dumbass2-Aight, good idea man i'm feelin small anyways

by suckitbrah January 23, 2011

stiffy tiffy

From the name Tiffany which is the perfect blonde woman. So beautiful and sexy that being around her is so arousing that men always have a stiffy when they are near her. She not only effects men's porn search history. She causes delays in their day after she leaves because masterbation is almost always a must

I was busy but got nothing done because Stiffy Tiffy said hello. So I fapped the rest of the work day.

by SERIOUSLY DIRTY September 12, 2022


Excited anticipation of such an immense force that the very thought of it alone could probably cause you to become aroused. Usually used by a female, coming from a male it adds even more to the comedy factor.

"Are you home for 'Sex & the City' tonight?" "Yes, I have a clitty-stiffy about it"

by honeylovechild May 19, 2009

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stiffie doc

A urologist

"He's been complaining that he urinates too much at night. I think it is time for him to see the stiffie doc."

by The Anna-lator November 3, 2003