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The condition of having a low orgasm count

Bro--you need to get laid more often! Tell me about it--I think I'm suffering from Low-O

by Nostradainus March 21, 2017

low ses

A person who is poor and dumb. Low SES (socio-economic status).

Don't invite Liam. Having a low ses will make it awkward.

by anonporridge July 11, 2024

Low bo

A bad word to call people from Lebenon

Hey your a low bo

by Everyrace April 16, 2023

Shawn lowe

Founded by Guyskins, origins only known by the founded fathers. Virtually replaced the word 'lowe' this new phrase can be used to express anger and disappointment.

'that was the last paper bro'

'bruv, Shawn lowe'

by thexy69420 March 4, 2021

low mole

A woman that resides in the roughest lowest pub in town and will fuck any one

Jimmy said renee ya low mole give us a heady

by Lumber jack lizard March 16, 2015

turtle low

Operating at the lowest speed. Coined from the throttle on most riding lawnmowers with turtle being the slowest you can go.

Jake looks like hell after last night, turtle low all morning.

by expert464 October 16, 2015


A blowjob from a woman that is so short she doesn’t need to go on her knees.

That I got a low-blow from that midget stripper last Tuesday.

by King Maxwell November 3, 2020