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A Ania is a hoodlum. Sure they can be nice to you but, one wrong mistake and she's mad at you in forever.

Girl:She is such a Ania
Other Girl:I know right?

by πŸ¦„UnicornioπŸ¦„ January 10, 2018

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Phsycotic girl who is always there to make you happy. She is kind sweet and caring but the Devil can hit her sometimes. She can Be mean and horrible to you at first glance I but when you meet her you will notice she has a good side. She is a polish girl who is not that tall and has either dark blonde hair or dark brown hair! Their hair is really thick and does not really grow that long. She usually wears glasses and has her eyes matching with her hair. She always needs space and loves Starbucks! She also likes junk food and always has to have food with her otherwise she will just break down!!! She can be a player sometimes :3

Liam: OMG who is that with him?!
Ada: It's Ania!!

Liam: How did he get her to love her?

Ada: Let's see how long until he gets played!

by YunaLolo November 1, 2019


A SUPER preppy girl who is kinda pick me. She is too preppy for this world. She is kinda pretty and steals her friend Noors boyfriends all the time. She has a crush on leon, and my bf too (nicho). She is pretty mean and annoying sometimes tho. She thinks she is cool when she is just pretty annoying and eats poop for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. she also thinks that she is super popular and has plenty of friends but in reality only has 3. Jake doesn't like her as much as his best bestie, Ella. Oh and ania smells like a rat and looks like a rat. thank you for coming to my ted talk πŸ˜ƒ

Ania: wanna date me πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
Any boy that doesn't like one of her friends: EW NO! GVHJBHGJKRAHG HKFHREUGHUKRFUSUKG THATS GROSS
Ania: but bro you know you love me
Him: no

by OofMottoMottoOopoo April 4, 2022

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A demon who doesn't care for the souls of others and will destroy your life.

Man, that person is such an Ania

by Dr.HomoErctus December 7, 2018

15πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Ania is a hilarious, politically minded girl who thinks logically about every situation. She is very intelligent and cares a lot about the wellbeing of our country. She is full of knowledge, the β€˜wise owl’ if you will. However, she is quite stubborn.

β€œi need some political advice, who shall i talk to?”
β€œtalk to ania”

by elamenapee March 30, 2020

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A polish builder who cements there vag

Mum: Ania what you doing?
Ania Busiakiewicz:Urmm nothink just cememting my vagg
Mum: ok don't for get to smooth it down

by kieran pizza mann April 12, 2009

53πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


Ania is a girl thats thick asf, lightsking, and long hair and pretty. Also she a very good bestfriend o Ariana. And she a hoe.

Ania is the best hoe ever!!

by ArianaK July 11, 2017

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž