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Big pp

Big pp is the most honorable compliment a Male individual can bestow upon one of his equals. Receiving this Compliment is like being kissed by a thousand angels, studies have shown that Male happiness is raised by 300% after being told he has "Big pp" . Popular you tube influencer "Pewdiepie" is well known for using this Phrase in Gratitude to his fans posting content for him under his subreddit r/pewdiepiesubmissions.

Male A: Hey bro you fight for equality? Thats very Big pp of you!
Male B: Thank you so much I feel so much better, I will go home, kiss my wife and donate my organs for medical reasons. I will never forget this!

by Mangoeater69 October 12, 2020

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big pp

The highest honour and compliment given to one man to another

Man 1: you have big pp.
Man 2: *cries in happiness* wow thanks man this is a honour!
Man 1: no problemo

by Emborg June 6, 2020

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big pp

big pp

you have a big pp lol

by ilikeloveingmen May 30, 2022

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Big PP

It is an award given by a man who is usually praised by 19 year olds. This man also has the power of awarding small pp. usually he awards it to funny images with words about his content or something relevant to his content.

Haha haha BIG PP!!!

by Professor oak June 15, 2020

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big pp energy

when a person has personality and energy that proves his large pp

Ranveer has so much Big pp energy

by grerret February 5, 2020

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Big pp syndrome

When the pp be big you know

"I was born with big pp syndrome" "nah"

by TheManWithBigPP April 13, 2020

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Big PP Man

Usually short, brown and skinny. Has a ridiculously huge PP. Girth is also present on anyone called this name.

Yo! What’s good Big PP Man?

by PP McChungis September 30, 2018

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