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Stands for being :
Assraped With A Rotating Device.
Usually enjoyed by a fgusc or tom woods

Man Tom woods is such an unpopular fgusc i bet he lives to collect awards.

by Burrett September 27, 2004

22๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž




1. To be awarded a project or job that you put a biddal on. Usually used by the most experienced salesman in the construction industry.

The project Awardal will go to the lowest bidder.

by BiddalMaster August 18, 2014

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Granny Awards

An annual celebration of Archaicisms, primarily serving as an ego defense mechanism for Boomers (and other old people.)

Nominated for 2014 Granny Awards Rock Album of the Year:

Zeppelin, Sabbath, Bowie and Neil Young

-- Four acts that were "too hip to be square"* around 1970.

Kings of Leon and Queens of the Stone Age

-- Named after a passe form of government and a truly ancient Age of Tech.

How desperately we cling to illusions of youth and relevancy. -- Citizen of the Galaxy

* Once upon a time, even Before the Flood, contemporaneous fans of "Old Blue Eyes" and the "Candy Man" embarrassed themselves with such phrases, in a vain attempt to sustain their own relevance. Please, STOP THE MADNESS!

by Citizen of the Galaxy February 20, 2014

Darwin Awards

An "award" given to people who contribute the most to the evolution of humanity by removing their genes from the gene pool. Sometimes given to people who simply sterilize themselves, but most of the recipiants have ended up dead because of their actions.

Basically, the concept is that people kill/injure themselves to the point where reproduction is no longer possible whilst doing something surrealistically stupid. By insuring that their stupid genes to not spread, they ultimately help humanity and thus recieve an award.

While the concept is funny enough, the actual awards are usually very mean spirited.

Inflamable means flamable? What a country!

by Cap'n Awesome May 17, 2005

681๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

Coaches award

An award given to the following kind of players: one who was pleasant to be around, enthusiastic, never misses practices, always willing to learn, overcame a certain fear while playing, etcetera

that girl won the coaches award for basketball.

by Therealestdeal June 17, 2015

147๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wholesome award

The infamous award in reddit. Apparently, redditors often give this award to serious posts

teenager: *gets brutally killed by a bear*

the redditards: Seems wholesome to me *give wholesome award*

by Sebastian294 December 6, 2020

28๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

grammy award

Used to be an alright system of giving merit to exceptionally good singers. Now it's just a rigged scamfest where talentless idiots get awarded just for being on MTV, VH-1, or B.E.T..

Few Grammy Awards are being given to those who make real music but are too poor to get any attention.

by rock fan April 29, 2003

165๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž