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The Black Hand

Biggest terrorist organization in the video game "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Multiplayer" they've destroyed countless amounts of buildings, killed millions of people, caused countless amounts of damages to Las Venturas's Casinos and have their own section of rules that they worship like a creed (example: Following All Server Rules), they plan their attacks with great timing and are quick on the response if something altars the plans of their attacks, very rare does someone survive one. Found only on one of SAMP's servers called CRRPG (Cops Robbers Role Playing Game). with a massive comunity of regulars and player slots filling faster each day the server was upgraded for more organisations to counter The Black Hand. one is Taskforce 141 CRRPG's most elte police and army officers have joined this team of brave men and women to challenge and faulter the black hands attacks. Both teams are found the most on CRRPG at this IP for SAMP Users:

The Black Hand Taskforce 141 CRRPG

by [SSD]Kelvin[RS] November 5, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Hand Slap

taking someone by the collar/turtle neck and slaping them back and forth with the top and under sides of your hand and saying saying bitch ass nigga over and over
sorta like the back hand slap, but with the words nigga, bitch, and ass in any sort of order, but must include the word nigga, i.e. the "black" hand slap

Nate: d00d jessica just broke up with me
Joe: so.....
Nate: *starts to cry*
Joe: *takes hand and graps nates shirt and starts Black Hand Slapping him* nigga, get your bitch ass together *x7 times*

by JOENDNATE June 20, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

black hand side

A diminished style of extension hi-fiving practically extinct coming from black people.

Involves the regular style of dapping, hi-five that black youth do except after 'fiving', someone says 'on the black hand side' and said particapants turn their palms to the outer side and five.

Denotes exclusivity, hence the name. Originated out of the black power and love movements of the '70s.
Might be considered corny by todays youth.

*Black adult* "What's up young blood!!" (proceeds to dap typical black youth of today)

*Black adult* "Now on the black hand side!!"

*Typical black youth of today* 'Blank stare' "O.K..." (slowly follows old schoolers lead)

by tRUnETIV October 28, 2008

47๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

black hand

Came from Ever Quest,it's a name for a player who's in charge of looting monster(s) after beat a boss level monster as a group and can not get good items.

"He's a black hand, he can't get item x"

by wea December 9, 2005

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Black Hand Weed

A particular strain of mid grade weed found in the hoods of the United States in which the smell it gives off resembles that of a black persons hands. Similar to weed you buy off the street that smells like it was in the dudeโ€™s pants.

โ€œAye yo did you smell that gas from Malik, it smells so much like he had it in his hands for 3 hours straitโ€

โ€œHell yea, itโ€™s still the best black hand weed around town!โ€

by Pinxy pie June 8, 2022

left hand black

Ink absorbed on both the heel and fingers of the left hand, resulting from a left handed person writing with an ink pen and smearing his/her own newly inked text as they etch across the page from left to right.

Oh, my left hand black has exposed me once again. As the only southpaw, the teacher will quickly discover that it was me passing smudged notes in class.

by jawa nomad June 14, 2017

Black Handed

Black handed, being caught in the act of black face. Like being caught red handed, except the crime in question is comedy.

Jared was caught black handed, during his school performance of booty and the beast.

by Juhdd November 4, 2018