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One for one. Unlike the popular "all for one" it's about a special bond and connection that is only one, for one. Doesn't have to be deep love but it's a chemistry that only one and another one, really get.

What do you think these feelings mean? One for one. 141.

by nine- October 18, 2023

75👍 6👎


A term for a screwjob or major fuck-up, coming from the event UFC 141's main event with Brock Lesnar.

(term coined by The Original Detritus)

Person 1: "Dude, did you see that fucker's leg break right before he made the touchdown?"

Person 2: "Yeah man that was a 141."

by VoidLivesForever23 January 2, 2012

35👍 43👎

141 it

To add 141 at the start of phone number when calling them to make the number appear as witheld. Useful for making prank calls, or if you don't want the other person to know who's calling them.

oi ring dat lil fassy now but make sure you 141 it.

by albizzle February 28, 2008

12👍 5👎

Rule 141

When you come across something that's completely fucked for no reason, that was worked on by a particular person.

Dev 1: Wow this websites fucked.
Dev 2: It was written by Callum.
Dev 1: Oh, rule 141.

by SausageThief101 June 28, 2014

11👍 6👎

Task Force 141

A fictional task force taking place in the Modern Warfare universe in the U.S.

"What will you call this task force?" "Task Force 141"

by spacemaker2win December 11, 2020

Task Force 141

'Task Force 141' is a fictional task force taken place in the 'Modern Warfare' universe in the United States. Task Force 141 was set up by Alex after faking his death in Modern Warfare 2019.

"What will you will this task force?" "Task Force 141."

by spacemaker2win December 11, 2020

5👍 5👎


The only way to beat facist police state is to as a whole go 1 for 1, kill off one police member before you go out. There are more of us than them.

If we all go 141 we can end this tyranny today

by OldManNAYNAY May 12, 2024