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Lokiville cavalry

The Lokiville cavalry is an group of solders that protect lokiville while rideing on horseback.

The lokiville cavalry stoped the attacking enemy from attacking lokiville.

by Lokiville February 8, 2022

US Cavalry

The mobile division of the United States Army. In the early days of the US Army it included horses, buggies and later on motorized vehicles. During WWII was fully converted to motorized vehicles ie. tanks, apc's, troop carriers and support. In 1968 the cavalry's last horse died fully making it mechanized. The US Cavalry lead the ground assault into Iraq during Operation Desert Storm, Operation Uraqi Freedom.

The US Cavalry Are The Mechanized Troops In The US Army.

by Jimi Fox February 21, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

cavalry scout

fears nothing, regrets nothing. the hardest, toughest soldiers in the army.

one who gets better than 70 virgins when he dies-- a one way ticket to fiddler's green

god couldn't hack osut

by nick March 5, 2004

381๐Ÿ‘ 216๐Ÿ‘Ž

bear cavalry

Bear cavalry... ya you're pretty much fucked. That is the key phrase in a infamous demotivational poster and its all true.

Dave: hey whats that in the distance?

Tessa: Holy fucking fuck it's fucking bear cavalry we're fucking fucked

Dave: mhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh arg ahhhhh (sound of Dave being totally fucked by the bear cavalry)

by whitetip February 21, 2009

105๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

cavalry scout

the shit, the REAL men


by sean December 17, 2003

205๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž

cavalry kids

Best known for taking hip hop songs and turning them into screamo, cavalry kids are an awesome band who make crank that easy to listen to.

Person 1. "Did you hear that Crank That?"
Person 2. "Ya it sucked, I prefered the screamo version by Cavalry Kids."

by kenzie kruse June 30, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cavalry Scout

In the most simple terms, a Cavalry Scout is too brave to hold an administrative position, but too much of a pussy to be an infantrymen.

They wear their spurs loud and proud and more than likely claim that they are "RECON!" or "HARDER THAN YOU" neither of which is true. They talk quite a bit, especially at bars, with wild delusions of grandeur and that they are practically infantrymen. This of course makes their ever annoying presence intolerable. Cav Scouts talk like 16 year old girls making them more obnoxious than Marines.

They're job is actually entirely outdated and they really exist on tradition alone. Definitely members of the Silly Hat Club. Total wannabes by nature. It is a proven fact that Cav Scouts cock block themselves.

Grunt #1: OMG. Cav Scouts just showed up.

Grunt #2: I thought people with down syndrome weren't allowed to drink, drive, or join the military.


by elwoodblues85 July 6, 2011

144๐Ÿ‘ 339๐Ÿ‘Ž