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Class of 2024

The class following the footsteps of the infamous Class of 2023, Class of 2022, and Class of 2020, the best class of 13-14 year old eighth graders. This class enjoys making fun of the Class of 2023, Tik Tok, and VSCO girls, and also think Tik Tok is cringy but do the dances anyway because memes. Instagram and Snapchat are still this class's favorite social medias.

"When do you graduate?"
"Oh, I'm the class of 2024."
"Aw hell yeah, you're pretty cool."

by Yowhatsupyall November 13, 2019

76๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Class of 2024

By this time, Class of 2024 are currently 14-15 year old 9th graders (born 2006). they are the graduation class following Class of 2023 and succeeded by Class of 2025. Class of 2024 is the only sane grad class as they make fun of Class of 2023.

Fun fact: I'm a Class of 2024 :)

Class of 2024: *Makes fun of class of 2023*
Class of 2023: Why are we still here, just to suffer?

by MrLightbulbMan September 23, 2020

7๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Class of 2024

Most of them are just dumb crazy and annoying. Currently a bunch of pre-pubescent 12 to 13 year olds running around saying racially sensitive jokes while if one is made about them they will flip and cry about it and make their friends hate the person who made the joke.

Brandon: There must be something wrong with him..He's in high school and he's about to date a middle schooler.
Jane: EFF everyone in the class of 2024.

by HOTTIEEEEEEEE July 30, 2019

40๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž

Class of 2024

Anyone born after 2003 is a disappointment. Class of 2024 think they're all that when they're literal try hards.
For them having tiktok, Instagram, Snapchat etc is a personality trait. They're all so proud of doing tiktoks??

This is the class that is obsessed with and revolves around social media. With their over sensitivity and performative activism they're a joke.

They think they have a superior music but they just copy off previous generations.

They weren't even born in most of those years and didn't even have a fully mid 2000s childhood. They missed out on iconic vines and back when the Internet was fun, the fun challenges,no not tiktok. They're girls r obsessed with looking older+makeup and don't try to have fun outside the realm of social media.

Their humour is broken. Oh and 07 plus kids? Man didn't even know kids were born then.

'24 and onwards: Yah we're class of 2024 and onwards

Other classes: Oh the bad seed of this generation right?

by arcticmonkeysgirl October 5, 2021

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class of 2024

The greatest class ever! Yet they all hate each other. All of our teachers gave up on us so they choose to not teach us!

"Did you hear about the class of 2024?" says John.
" Yeah I heard they got another teacher fired, haha!" says Felicia

by luciferthe14th September 20, 2019

143๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

class of 2024

best class ever. they are the most attractive, most smart, and overall most hilarious class to exist. the people who happen to be in this class are #elite and everyone wants to be them. better than the class of '22, '23, and '25, the class of 2024 never disappoints.

do you see them?? that's the class of 2024!!! i wish i was in their class omg

by jlineisbae December 21, 2021

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Girls in the Class of 2024

The girls are complete tryhards and care VERY VERY much about what other people think and they're usually very bratty/bitchy. If you hurt one of their feelings then basically she will try EVERYTHING to try to ruin your life and make their friends all hate you. Also whenever the post on Instagram, they just HAVE to tag their boyfriends on their boobs or lips or ass, like REALLY!?!?!They love to show off their bodies and come in crop tops to school often and wear very tight stuff and they just ABSOLUTELY HAVE to buy clothes and shoes in the latest trend. Just like the guys, some of the girls (a lot more than guys) have matured into beautiful ladies and a new thing has started where some guys (a lot more than girls) in the class of 2023 have started dating the girls in the class of 2024 for this reason. But like these guys are usually stupid and kinda pedophiles because they usually have the mindset that the girls in class of 2024 are โ€œthickerโ€ than the girls of class of 2023. These guys will currently start high school while their girlfriends are still in middle school so likeโ€ฆ. REALLY!!?!?? The guys donโ€™t see how bratty and bitchy these girls actually are since they have no classes together and these girls will leave the guy for someone they think is better in a second and then when the guy leaves THEM or the girl gets BORED and then sheโ€™ll get lonely and want to get back with her ex and so on, but whateverโ€ฆ theyโ€™ll figure it out sooner or later.

Jacob: Why the hell did she leave me?
Chris: She thinks she found someone better.
Jacob: Fuck the girls in the Class of 2024. I'm never dating a 12 year old again.
Chris: LMFAO, WAIT she's 12 and you're 14... wow...

by HOTTIEEEEEEEE July 30, 2019

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