Source Code


1) A text-mode environment, which, depending on the operating system, may be used locally (as is the case for most DOS sessions) or remotely (via ssh).

2) A computer intended for limited user interaction, such as the NES or the Playstation. Such computers are intended only for loading single programs in one session, although newer consoles are able to performs such feats as getting on the internet, networking between other consoles of the same type, and even running various operating systems compiled for its internals. Common input devices for consoles include controllers (also called paddles sometimes), joysticks, or arcade pads.

3) An archaic reference to the user input and output devices on a computer.

4) The dashboard of a car.

1) The hacker telnet'd into my system and erased my porn archive through the console.

2) I spent all of my childhood in front of a console.

3) ENIAC's console stopped working ever since I had golden showers with my lover on it.

4) I want to put these badass guages in my Civic, but I don't want to remove the console.

by ravingidiot July 6, 2004

101πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


–verb (used with object), -soled, -solΒ·ing. to alleviate or lessen the grief, sorrow, or disappointment of something by making out with a smokin' hot girl; give solace or comfort by making out with a smokin' hot girl

Only he could console her under the glow of that low blue light while laying on her bed acting like a total and complete cheeze ball constanly saying the word "console" so much that he misses his window of opertunity but still enjoys a great night of cheeziness, laughing, beer, cake, and ideas of her in a labcoat and lingire.

by Scruff.McGuff July 11, 2008

35πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


1. A device used to play video games, popular consoles include Xbox, PlayStation and Wii.
2. An important part of computers, and prompts.
3. Command Prompt let's you access your computers innards.

I was playing with my computer's console commands!!

by SkeletonGuy November 13, 2018

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Intolerance bred through fear, ignorance or a false sense of superiority specifically directed at those who play video games on consoles instead of PC.

Man... Chill out on the Consoleism, it's unnecessary .

by ConcernedCiztizen October 20, 2016

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A term invented by rabid PC enthusiasts to describe any game that isn't Baldur's Gate 2 and doesn't require spread-sheet style character management or which uses an accessible interface for gameplay. If the gameplay is easy to get into, PC enthusiasts will consider it rubbish and consolized, no matter how difficult the actual game might be.

Anybody not in agreement on a game being 'consolized' is considered inferior and will never be allowed into said PC enthusiast's battlestati-, err basement.

Clearly that game suffers from consolization, because even though it has won awards for most innovative gameplay, most involving story and best AI in a game, it displays a little text that tells you to press 'E' every time you want to open a door.

by Zoompaloompa June 23, 2011

30πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


Consolences: like condolences but from someone close to you who is trying to console you. Someone who knows you too well to offer condolences when a sad thing happens.

A consolence can also be a non-verbal action. If someone gives a friend a hug as a form of consoling then they offer her consolence, which might elicit the reply "Thanks for the consolences".

E.g. My father offered me consolences when I dropped my slice of pizza in the dirt.

by Chateau Zo January 27, 2014

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


to make out in the front seats of a vehicle, yet with the inconvenience of a console getting in the way.

I was getting a little bit of consolation before he walked me to the door after our date.

by rachaeljack July 4, 2006

11πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž