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A labcoat is an individual that places emphasis on intellectualism, rationalism, science, and logic over other types of analysis.

Usually this is done beyond a point of practical use, into the realm of wanking.

"I think the world is flat."

"No, the world is clearly round. Here's evidence from survey maps showing that the world curves, and here's satellite photos from space that show the world is spherical."

"STFU labcoat, you college kids and your books are annoying."

by DarkHorse220 April 25, 2008

43πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


As made popular my the most intelligent political commentator on the planet Nicholas J. Fuentes, a labcoat is a scientist controlled and or employed by the ZOG machine, promoting scientific studies that fit the globalist agenda. Academia in America has been largely infiltrated by such actors who are currently behind the current fall of America.

Dumb bitch femoid - β€œDid you know that Immigration actually helps America, that's why I support a fast track immigration system.”

Based Groyper - β€œSTFU toots, you dumb bitch. I don't care what some labcoat shill says. Make me some something to eat while I watch America First with Nicholas J. Fuentes.”

by Based Groper 1488 October 20, 2020

17πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž