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You know it’s me yet feel I should say there was a little drama on Friday

Assume you know this

Just been told I will be fine … stuck here a bit longer though.. probs til to tomorrow …

Drama …

Drama … tick

by LetsTalkAboutX February 12, 2023

33👍 3👎


It happens in the theatre.

Let's go to Drama class now.

by super.grover May 19, 2010

50👍 18👎


A time wasting practice that seems to consume the lives of typical children grades six through eight.

"Middle school called, they want their drama back."

by MicahMoo February 25, 2007

41👍 14👎


People making stupid rumors to make them self feel better. Making it so someone can't live in peace with everyone else. Talking about someone behind there back. Saying he said, she said.


OMG! I hate her because she said that I slept with him when I didn't! She starts so much drama.

by bABYcaKEs! October 10, 2009

28👍 8👎


Very stupid and unnecessary. If you cause it, it makes you look very bad, and extremely insecure. Drama usually starts with people saying things they shouldn't say at all. All of our mothers told us the rule of: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Apparently that doesn't apply in our modern society.

Drama causes lots of drama.

by Pepsi Spray Pogas June 5, 2016

10👍 2👎


Unescessary emotional turmoil that women love to cause and partake in. The most common causes of drama with women are love, sex, and relationships. omen cause drama because they know it drives men nuts, and use it to play hard to get.

That new girl I like is causing me so much drama that it's hardly even worth the effort.

by GeoffreyG August 24, 2004

73👍 46👎


Tension between high/middle school friends that usually affects more than just the few people who got into the original spat. Possibly stems from tenuous friendships and unfamiliarity with the personality of friends' friends.

Synonym for 'inability to maintain relationships.'

There was some drama in the group that called themselves the Buchanan Street Rockers which was reportedly caused when Nellie tried to suplex Allison through an announce table.

by Confident Lefty August 11, 2006

23👍 11👎