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A word you say to people but it means nothing

Hey Justin your a equat

by Equat January 2, 2020


eqaut is a spell to summon the legends of the equat havin azz darndiddly biddly doo of ur grandpa's ashy pants from vietnam in the lost havin azz dumb cunt city of grU༼ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽. "god, 6969 b.c from the book of washing machine jorge"

Hey Justin your a equat havin ass

by Equat January 2, 2020

2👍 1👎


The incorrect spelling of Ecuador

That idiot spelled Ecuador,Equator, on his report 18 times, therefore he failed

by lol February 15, 2005

17👍 33👎


When a Tan Line on a pen15 seperates both halves of the Penor. For example one half is tan the other is Albino white.

"Dude that guy's equator was so embarassing"

by BlackDogz February 17, 2009

8👍 16👎


Line of pubic/body hair that runs north-south from your chest to your balls.

Malcolm: I asked my barber for the equator

Barber Sid: nah bro, I’m not tryna shave your nuts

by Mack&Jonnyltd July 4, 2020

1👍 1👎

Sylvester Equation

An equation that tells you exactly how many beers you would need to drink to make a conscious decision to sleep with a girl. Person using the equation must be sober.

10 - X = # of beers

where '10' is the maximum 'hotness' score a girl can recieve, 'X' is the score given to the girl (1-10). The subtraction yields the number of beers one needs to consume.

*note: a beer can also be replaced by a 1oz. shot or mixed drink equivalent to one ounce of alcohol (40% or greater)

(taking place at local bar/club/party)

GUY1: Hey man what do you think of that girl over by the bar?

GUY2: Man, I'd give her a 4 outta 10

GUY1: Yea she does look pretty beat. Well according to the Sylvester Equation I'm gunna need 6 beers before I try to get any.

by buffalo ny March 6, 2010

Differential Equation

A course commonly taken in college by math, engineering and various other majors. It is a field of mathematics created for the sole reason of torturing anyone who thought calculus was easy. In many cases attending lectures in this class will cause mild to severe brain trauma depending on the competency of the lecturer and the student.

Joe: "So are you taking any math this semester?"

Laura: "Yeah, I'm in differential equations."

Joe: "Yeah...Mike took that last semester."

Mike: "Uggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh."

Joe: "Aww how nice, I think he was wishing you good luck."

by 'ice' November 11, 2009

123👍 15👎