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A period of time in school where almost everyone thats not too fucked in their classes begin to do everything they can to raise or maintain their grades.

Jimmy had to kiss ass and do all his work in order to pass his classes before second semester.

by Ared January 24, 2008

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semester friend

A person who is in your class who only associates with you in order to be more familiarized with the course and assignments.

Mandy invites Billy to her birthday party after finals but Billy declines due to the fact that classes are no longer in session.

Mandy sees Billy on campus next term. Billy walks by not acknowledging her hello. Billy was a semester friend.

by Christopher Schroeder January 10, 2007

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Semester Suicide

Semester Suicide is taking a course load that will kill your social life and your happiness.

You're taking Organic Chem and Cal 2! That's semester suicide.

by The Chicken 2010 August 24, 2010

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second semester

Pertaining to the high school students in their second semester of senior year, it is the act of doing poorly on one's assingment, paper, and or tests.

This does not just go for schoolwork, can be done in all facets of life also.

dude, I totally second semestered that test.

I didnt even read the book, I'm gonna second semester it

I just second semestered that red light

by High Times at New Trier High March 2, 2012

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semester friend

Someone you hang out with for one, but up to two, semesters during college/university. After that, they drop off the face of the planet and/or make no effort to interact with you.

This state of "friendship" is further exacerbated if they're hostile or indifferent when you attempt contact with them.

Sam was just a semester friend. We hung out during Fall of 2008 and Spring of 2009, but now she never talks to me anymore.

by jaynahc April 22, 2011

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semester jester

People who pretend to be your friends during a particular school semester so they can benefit from you by copying homeworks, cheating off of you on exams, etc... After that particular semester is over they act like you do not exist unless they can benefit from you for another semester.

Bitch, I'm not letting you copy my homework because you're nothing more than a semester jester.

by Georgi Petrov April 24, 2008

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semester boyfriend

A male whom is a temporary replacement for a male role for only a semesters length in a girls life. Needs certain attributes in order to keep the fling going and exciting. No strings attached unless otherwise clarified. it has to be very clear that the girl is using him for a placeholder until she finds Mr. right.

Kate: I'm hanging out with Kevin, and hes a lot of fun but i dont want anything serious so im going to make him my semester boyfriend.
Maria: Thats what i did last semester, works out for the best.

by c00kkkies January 26, 2012

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