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to get involved, amongst it, to go on the pull, to flange.

I wanna feature with that rat.
Big Feature.
I cant wait to feature.

by Carlos Santini January 23, 2005

52๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mac slang for "Shit we should have done in the first place". Such features include recording video, voice dialing/control, cut, copy, & paste, "voice memos" etc.

"Features" such as these are often found on many other phones, but apple junkies don't accept this reality and must go get the newest Apple product, because of all the new features.

Apple Junkie: Dude! Look at my new iPhone 3gs! It's got all these new features!

Dude: Like what?

Apple Junkie: I can dial with my voice!

Dude: I've been able to do that for years...

by Weebleswobble818 June 23, 2009

47๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another word for cunt. Can be used on it's own or along with cunt.

Jim shit the fuck up you features.

Nobody likes that kid Paul, he's such a cunt-features.

by Pimp-Master J May 4, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


derived from Cunt features, a very ugly or stupid person. It is said to describe but most importantly disguise you from a beating.

Man:Look at that features.
Otherman:he has a dirty features face.

man:look at that fucking stupid cunt features i hope that features dies a horrible death.
otherman: you not wrong there i heard he also beats up old people, what a features.

by Jimsy June 23, 2006

30๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


the physical appearance of ones face; a blemish, or an expression; something distracting on ones face.

Ex. 1:
"bro, i just got done eating some of the black pepper dorito cheaps, hows my feature?"

"ummm nothing in the teeth, your golden"

Ex. 2:
(young adult comes in late for class to take a test)

young adults friend-(spotting a stress zit on young adults forehead)dude, you must have had a rough night studying last night; after you finish this test, go straight to the bathroom, without talking to anybody, and check your feature.

by joseph davis October 16, 2006

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Something all people strive for on the comedy app,ifunny, only unoriginal crappie content gets featured. Sadly I will never achieve such a task.

Hey mom I just got featured on ifunny
"No you didn't Urban_Dictionary_KTB shut up you dissapointment"

by Urban_Dictionary_KTB September 20, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


when someone is not quite beautiful but rather has odd or distinctive features. They have that edgy look.

oh, she's not pretty but look at that interesting nose, she's really featureful

by Vance B November 29, 2005

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