Source Code


An overrated programming language

C is better than Java

by Some rando out there January 24, 2022

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1. Could quite possibly be considered the shittiest "programming language" there is. Scripts (not programs) written in this language are emulated through a virtual machine. Basically a crapped up BASIC language, except slower and more complex.

2. Programming course that Freshmans take in high school to make themselves feel intelligent for programming a computer, when all they're really doing is making a simple script that's interpreted at runtime by a virtual machine.

3. Coffee.

1. Java is so shitty it should be illegal

2. Liek omgz, I kan liek h4xx0rz governments mainframes

3. I'm going to get some Java

by Kenny Decius October 24, 2004

60๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž


An programming language that's only generally used in android developer applications. The average individual can achieve this by smacking their genitals against the keyboard until it makes sense.

I couldn't figure out the solution to my Java programming dilemma, so I started smacking my genitals against the keyboard and it worked.

by gh942003 September 6, 2020

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Java is an object-oriented programming language designed by James Gosling. It inherits much of its syntax from C.

The primary design goal of the Java language is 'write once, compile once, run anywhere' portability. A Java program can be written and compiled, and can then be run on any system that the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) has been ported to.

Java source code is often compiled to byte-code to be run by the JVM, although native-code compilers do exist.

Contrary to popular belief, Java is very fast, outperforming C in a few well-documented cases. However, the Java Virtual Machine will always consume more resources than the runtime support required by 'lower-level' languages like C.

Java compilers tend to be very careful about 'trusting the programmer' - this is often a cause for frustration among new users of the language. By and large, it forces better programming style.

The Java Runtime Environment is plagued by licensing restrictions that make it difficult to deploy in some scenarios (for example, on a free operating system). Projects like OpenJDK and GNU Classpath attempt to make this less painful.

Java is often viewed as 'nooby' because Java code is (usually) run on a virtual machine. I guess Python, C#, Perl, Smalltalk, and Prolog are 'nooby' too. ;)

Java is a popular programming language.

That program is written in Java.

by >:-D July 3, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


The word that JavaWalkees (cool people) use to make slang for cool, awesome, or good. Or you can just say 'Java' after any phrase or sentence.

That bitch is always trying to make java happen.
That party was so java!
Let's go to that Java Grub.
Dude, I'm the Java Master.
Wait up, Java!

by Paul Wang May 4, 2008

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C++or PERL(b/c it's interpreted) on Crack Cocaine.

C++: cin>>iNum;
Java: iNum = Integer.parseInt(Keyboard.in());

by btherio October 27, 2004

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The definition of a sweetheart-asshole. A person who can be a complete asshole at times but still manages to make u fall in love with them more everyday because of how much of a sweetheart he is. Java is loving, kind, hilarious, handsome, athletic, adorable, passionate, and can make u smile on ur hardest days.

I love u, Java.

by Sharter456 November 28, 2019

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