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A difficulty in choosing between options

Nelly's dilemma was whether to leave his girlfirend for the new girl he was in love with, which has a child, or to just stay with his girlfriend.

by Jessika Perey February 28, 2008

290πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


When your Mother-in-Law is driving your brand new Mercedes off a cliff.

Nelly's dilemma was whether to leave his girlfirend for the new girl he was in love with, which has a child, or to just stay with his girlfriend.

by SirWeathers December 30, 2016

13πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A difficult decision to chose one of two options

A student asks his English teacher if he can give him a definiton of a dilemma

The teacher tells him; Imagine you’re on a bed and one one side is a naked super hot chick and on the other side is a naked gay dude, who’s side are u turning to?

by Yanick the agender V. 2 January 6, 2019

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Ultimate Dilemma

The state a person finds themselves in when they have diarrhea and have to throw up at the same time.

Ted had eaten a bad batch of clams which landed him in the bathroom, when he was faced with the "ultimate dilemma."

Does he get off the toilet and regurgitate in it, and take the chance on soiling himself from additional diarrhea, or does he try to reach for the bathtub while on the toilet, and chance throwing up all over his clothes?

by Kraegarth October 15, 2012

hedgehog's dilemma

The phrase hedgehog's dilemma refers to the notion that:

(1) The closer two beings come to one another in a relationship, the more likely it might be for them to inflict psychological pain on each other
(2) Yet if they remain apart, they each might feel the roughly-equivalent (psychological) pain of loneliness.

This notion comes from the conjecture that hedgehogs, with sharp spines on their backs, might hurt each other if they get too close. It is a character trait believed to be possessed by some individuals, in real life as well as in works of fiction, sometimes causing anti-social behaviours, often allegedly caused by an unpleasant past experience of intimate relationships. A person who suffers from the hedgehog's dilemma will usually avoid becoming too close or involved with someone, due to fear of another similar, possibly painful, experience, such as they had experienced in the past.

Porcupines are a better example of the hedgehog's dilemma due to their commonly known dangerously sharp spines. As you can imagine, getting too close to them will provoke them and might force a few spines in you in self defense.

by amachi February 16, 2008

2376πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

Notch's Dilemma

A scenario in any game's development stating that, if a modder is to outperform game developers in any fashion, or when modders reserve ideas from developers and mod them, there is nothing that the developers can do to compete with said modders without a hit to their reputation.

The term originates from when the Minecraft game developer, Notch, wanted to add horses into the game. However, horses were already featured in a popular mod for the game. Notch's dilemma had but three possible solutions and all of them would result in varying anger from the community:

1. Notch may have opted to create the horses himself. Though, due to the highly complex mod, they would likely be seen as inferior. To not seem inferior, he would need to add some of the good features already claimed by the mod, but in such a case, he would be seen as copying.

2. Alternatively, Notch may have decided to simply drop the idea of ever adding horses. Due to the excellence of the horse mod, it effectively reserved ideas that the official developers could never use without the modder's permission. This option would result in less overall outcry from the community but disappoint many who hoped for horses.

3. As Notch did officially, he decided to add the mod to the game with the developer's permission. In the process, many saw Notch as lazy and he created a hefty hit on the prestige of the Minecraft development team. All this despite the fact that adding the excelling mod was the simplest solution

I really wish they would just fix the unit models in-game, but after that modder made such a great redesign, they're facing Notch's Dilemma. The bar was just set too high for them, and they cannot possibly pass it.

by this handle is not in use June 4, 2021

Directioner Dilemma

A dilemma that only a Directioner faces because half of him/her desperately wants 1D to be back together but the other half wants them to carry on with their solo career because they were unhappy when they were together as a band.

Directioner 1: Do you want the boys to be back together?
Directioner 2: Yes but I also want them to be happy. Ugh Directioner Dilemma!

by one_crazy_directioner June 16, 2019