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A Jenifer is usually mistaken for an ostrich. When seen, the ostriches can get spooked, and loose control. Often times, their wings flap, teeth grin, snout scrunches, and eyes cross. The best thing to do is not to meet their eyes, but back away slowly. Jenifer's are in the most violent mood when they are hungry. One way, to calm an ostrich is to stroke their earlobes. Jenifers can be great pets, maids, and can prove great jokes. Ostriches and Jenifer's are amazing creatures.

I saw a girl with thick brown hair and a goofy but bubbly smile. her name was Jenifer. Then she growled and I knew for sure that she was an ostrich

by 1direction<3 May 6, 2012

128๐Ÿ‘ 149๐Ÿ‘Ž


The incorrect spelling of the name "Jennifer."

Her name was Jenifer (sic).

by "Unlucky" Extern. April 13, 2011

129๐Ÿ‘ 257๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jenifer is the type of girl thatโ€™s doesnโ€™t know how to spell slow as in the lack of speed of comprehending yet she say slowy. Slowy ainโ€™t even a word. Donโ€™t be dumb donโ€™t be Jenifer

Person 1-
Do you know that girls who doesnโ€™t know how to spell slow?
Person 2- Are you talking about Jenifer?
Person 1-Yes

by BigDaddyIg July 19, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jenifer Al kh. Is a Sweet, beautiful, smart person from the inside and outside. Brakes lots of hearts. If you're not a strong, confident , perfect guy u'll end up with a broken heart.yeah i'm talking about you

Person: bro, Jenifer just broke my heart

Friend: yeah.. It happened to a lot of us...

by Black angel of death March 21, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Jenifer typically eats at a fast food restaurant but if you serve her a burger with two tomatos on it instead of the one and a half she asked for she will single handedly shut the hole fucking restaurant down

Hey Cletus i was at McDonald's and this Jenifer found out that her son's happy meal had a girls toy instead of a boys toy that bitch screams for the manager and and demand's for her money back or she will file a lawsuit

by Tesco discount Isle November 12, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jenifer is a girl what dose not know that slowy ainโ€™t a word. Jenifer is kinda slow herself. She is a beautiful girl that be on some daemonic stuff yet scared to cross the street.

Person 1-Do you know that girl thatโ€™s scared to cross the streets

Person 2- Oh yea thatโ€™s Jenifer she kinda slow

by BigDaddyIg July 19, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jenifer Syndrome

1) Inability to commit to a love interest for an extended amount of time.
2) A: Extreme laziness characterized by her inability to work or make an effort.
B: Extreme laziness such that social standards are ignored; I.E: Not wearing a bra to school.
3) Selfish attempt at comfort in an overcrowded car by laying across everyones lap.
4) Selfishness in a form of lacking compassion.
5) An overuse of hot sauce. IN EVERYTHING.

1)A: I liked this guy a lot for like two days but now I'm bored of him.
B: I think you have Jenifer Syndrome 1.
2)A: I can't see my floor! I need to clean my room.
B: You, my friend, are suffering from Jenifer syndrome 2.
3)A: We have to fit 8 people in the sedan.
B: I shot Jenifer Syndrome 3.
4)A: I hope my roommates commit suicide so I get straight A's in college.
B: Hot sauce. I pulled a Jenifer.

by Jenifer Research Committee December 27, 2008

705๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž