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A beautiful, perfect girl that every guy loves. She is very artistic, a great singer, an awesome dancer, and best of all, the cutest smile ever!! You can't even describe how beautiful her smile is. Lindsay can sometimes be shy when singing in front of people, but other than that she is a wild child that will do anything you want her to do. Lindsay is loved by everyone, especially the guys. She can have any guy she wants but chooses only the tall, athletic, fit, very well endowed ones (only over 9") and sometimes women. Only because she can. Lindsay is a great friend, girlfriend, and sister. Whenever u need someone there for you, you can call Lindsay! Her beauty will astound you and her smile is captivating. The girl you will never forget!!

She is the most amazing person ever, that must be Lindsay.

by bbepper January 25, 2015

124πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


Lindsay is an animal lover, an awesome friend, pretty, smart, and has fantastic taste in music and movies. She loves video games, is outgoing and loud, and most of her friends are guys. She is a total tomboy, except she is also quite fashionable. She has tons of inside jokes with her friends, all of them either dirty or drop-dead funny. She is in no way related to Lindsay Lohan. She isn't insecure, but she never brags or betrays her friends. She loves literature and food, but she never seems to gain weight. Lindsay is a cool friend/girlfriend, but she doesn't like playing games. If you like her, tell her, otherwise you'll lose her.

Lindsay is super cool!

Damn, I wish I had asked Lindsay out.

by ForeverSims March 7, 2014

98πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Literally the coolest person you know. She quotes movies like it's her job, has great taste in music, and has a fantastic sense of humor. A Lindsay is often blatantly honest and sometimes it makes her sound like a bitch but she means well. She has a ton of friends but doesn't like to be tied down to any one group of people- she is a free spirit. Lindsay is a fun sexy girl and can be intimidating but she loves her friends; most of which are guys. She has incredible eyes, an amazing laugh, and a very pretty face. This girl is a keeper. But be careful letting her meet your family- if you break up they might chose her over you! She really isn't single for very long so if you have a window of opportunity TAKE IT or someone else will.

"Wow dude were you just talking to Lindsay?"
"Yeah. Damn she's incredible."

by AnGeLfAcE August 25, 2012

520πŸ‘ 201πŸ‘Ž


A very beautiful, compassionate girl. Always wanting to help people. She is timid, but will speak her mind when she needs to. She is tender hearted, she doesn't talk about her feelings, because she is scared. She has many loving and amazing friends and a wonderful boyfriend,. However she feels incomplete.


by Takemewithyou. November 21, 2011

101πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


the best friend anyone can ever have. really nice and funny and probably has TONS of inside jokes with you. shes GORGEOUS but doesnt brag about it. never mean and never selfish. shes the best friend in the world!

random person- whos that?
me- oh thats lindsay! shes my best friend!
random person- oh! shes so pretty!

by xSamxYeahx December 8, 2010

735πŸ‘ 297πŸ‘Ž


Not to be mistaken for the inferiorly spelled version: Lindsey. Lindsay is extremely pretty, with dazzling blue eyes and beautiful hair. She has amazing to talk to, and will always know exactly what to say to make your day better. She is neither loud nor quiet, but is kind to everyone she sees. She will encourage you, and make you enjoy life. She understands your problems and is always there for you. She is the perfect fit for a best friend or girlfriend. Lindsay is the best. People are lucky to have someone like her in their lives. 7.

For her definition you could also search pretty, hot, beautiful, gorgeous, or fox. Lindsay

by CrownCreeper June 12, 2011

264πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž



Lindsay's are kind people. She is a total tomboy. She isn't like most girls who just sit there and play on their phones and texts their boyfriends. She loves to play outside and can't help but have fun. They love art and music. Most are complicated. They normally are shy at first but once you get to know them you will want to be their friend. She loves to ask tons and tons of questions. Even though they are kind they can be quite obnoxious and annoying. But they never mean it. If they are like that just tell them. It won’t hurt them. They like feedback. She has musical talent, but doesn’t believe it. She loves literature. And could read a book nonstop.

They always are looking out for their friends. She has a ton of friends. Most of them are guys. And when one of her friends doesn't want to be friends with her anymore she goes into an emotional breakdown. When it comes to romance she only likes one guy. And thinks he’s the one for her.

Normally they are white. Their hair is usually red or light brown hair, and it is curly or wavy. Their eyes are big and can be hazel, blue, or green. And they have broad smiles. There freckles are scattered across their face like stars in the night sky. They are very skinny. They may have muscle but they will never show it.

Name Origin:
The name is a Scottish and Irish name. Other variants include; Linsey, Lyndsay, Lyndsey, Lynsey, Lindsie, Linsay, Linzi, Lyndsea, Lynsay, Lindsey is the male version

Person 1: Who's Lindsay?
Person 2: Only the kindest person you'll ever meet!

by Poppy_Seeds September 29, 2018

24πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž