Source Code


Making the impossible, possible. Derived from the television show.

Dude #1: He had five guys gonna jump his ass and he beat them all.
Dude #2: Yo, that shit is Macgyver.

by socks and shoes January 6, 2003

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The act of a getting punched in the face by a cool guy

Random guy: OMG arthur Macgyvered me

by yesforsuredawg April 4, 2009

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1.) noun. Well known show during the 80s which involed a character named Macgyver which solved many problems with scavenged items.

2.) verb. To freestyle something, to perform without proper training or experience but using past knowledge un-related to the current task inorder to succeed.

3.) verb. To half-assedly build something, to build with only the hope it will work once.

student 1: Man that test was really hard, I could barely remember my notes for that.

student 2: I did'nt know the stuff either, so I just Macgyvered that shit.

student 1: Niiiiiice.

by uber1ord October 30, 2007

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Star of cult 80's show of the same name.

Also "The Hoff's" arch nemesis (see definition under Hoff).

Responsible for an increased number of Hoff related emailing and starting the Hoffing war, a fued between 80's B-grade celebrities in a power struggle for a share of the born-again celebrity email popularity market.

For more information, please see the definition under Hoff.

"I can't believe all these f*cking Hoff emails, now we've got f*cking MacGyver to put with. Damn it!!"

by Roger Ramsalot April 20, 2005

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To make a marijuana smoking utensil out of random pieces of junk.

Dude1: Man, I've got some buds but nothing to smoke with.
Dude2: That's fine--we've got a toothpick, some duct tape, and a thimble--I'll just pull a Macgyver.

by Blue Steel January 6, 2003

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Someone who thinks they know how to perform an action that they really can't perform, for example - pick a lock. Always used sarcastically.

Guy 1: I'm telling you I can pick the lock

Guy 2: You broke the hanger off in the door, way to go Macgyver!!

by Sam January 18, 2004

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describing a situation that requires quick, decisive thinking in order to prevent harm or conflict.

I had to pull a MacGyver today so my girlfriend wouldn't find out I cheated.

by Lance Mitchell August 8, 2003

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