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A Maida Is a word often used for small fat kids from Italy that plays Minecraft all day. Its also said if your a Maida you like girl pants and playing Minecraft and drinking wine on the weekends. A Maida is often attracted to muscular girls, often taller than himself.

He loves all kinds of food, he basicly eats everything

he is a special kind of Maida

ohh no Maida ate my cake

by pornomeister69 February 19, 2019

1👍 7👎


only the coolest bastard in the entire universe...or in my mind...whatever, i don't care.

oh there's maida, if i was gay, i'd pee in his ear.

by Super Maida July 27, 2003

50👍 69👎


An Australian term, similar to hater, used to describe someone of bad character who is pathologically inclined to spread false rumors and lies about other people with great success and conviction. A cunning game player who derives pleasure from this behaviour which is intrinsic to their personality. Also see bullshit artist, weasel.

Example 1 : Watch out for that dude, he gets off on pissing on you to all of your acquaintances and they will want to kill you after - hes a Maida.

Example 2 : I woke up one day and everyone i ever knew thinks i have been insulting them when i havent - i think ive been Maida'd.

Example 3 : After all of the west side figured out hes a Maida, nobody goes anywhere near him, his momma was right.

by sexi boi February 7, 2006

25👍 88👎

Maida Vale

1. Slang for an upper class part of town.
2. A ranking in fame or wealth.
3. Used comparison in a comparison between something that’s good, usually the better option of the two.

1. The Maida Vale of this city is amazing.
2. I wanna be like him! In Maida Vale!
3. I’d rather be in Maida Vale than be famous.

by Genomenreu DDD January 29, 2023


Al-Ma'idah (Arabic: ٱلمائدة , Al-Māʾidah; meaning: "The Table" or "The Table Spread with Food") is the fifth chapter (sūrah) of the Quran, with 120 verses (āyāt). Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is a "Medinan surah", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Medina, instead of Mecca.

I’ve read a lot recently about Al-maida.

by Tikatika June 8, 2021

adam maida

to get inured often; hurt

to describe somebody is "soft"

used to define a lower body inury

that guy only got a small cut, what a adam maida!

anotherlower body injury? what an adam maida

by yumber August 3, 2011

4👍 3👎

Marguerite Maida

Literally the hottest Subnautica character ever, like I can't. Her prawn suit is amazing oml

guy:hey have you heard of Marguerite Maida
Guy 2: that sexy Subnautica character?
guy:bruh she's mine

by darkerlordhankhill May 18, 2022