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name for hot red headed canadian girls who have awkward arm movements but are dead sexy, nonetheless.

god, that beautiful bombshell dancing awkwardly over there is such a maxime.

by cwillia November 17, 2007

37πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


The best girlfriend anyone could ever have. She may not admit to it, but it is a fact she’s the most adorable, funny, cute, hot, attractive, cute and amazing person to exist. She’s super sweet and undoubtedly the sweetest person to exist. She’s super likeable and a true eye candy. Her smile is adorable enough to make people called Adam with weird smiles show their weird smile. She’s super talented and the greatest person to exist and whoever is the lucky guy that happens to be her boyfriend is undoubtedly extremely happy and lucky to be with her as nothing is more fun than talking to her and spending time with her. She is a the best person someone could ever meet.

Maxime is 100% without a doubt the hottest person I’ve ever seen. She’s also super nice, kind, sweet and adorable and makes her friends and boyfriend very happy.

by Aqualord November 7, 2018

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Maxim is a guy who is very sweet and cute all the girls want him but only one person gets him he loves that person to death and never want to let them go. He is the most amazing person you will ever meet and he care a lot about his friends and family and he is very smart and will do great in life and everyone loves him

Maxim the best

by 32hey May 14, 2019

322πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


Any art movement characterized by a boundless devotion to embellishment, elaboration, complexity, palimpsest, and T-shirts that are sorta hard to read. Overlaps with so-called grunge styles.

My mom made me shop at the Gap all my life. Now that I'm on my own, I've rejected Functional Minimalism. Instead I choose the path of Maximalism, as you can tell from the calligraphic skulls all over this copy of "Beautiful Decay." Wanna see my inkblot doodles?

by rainbow coma February 6, 2009

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A Maxim is someone who can be shy at times, and confident when around people they know. They can also be confusing to figure out when it comes to relationships. But overall, a really sweet and loving person.

They are such a Maxim....

by Ellie.Kloe24 November 20, 2020

46πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


He is a sweet and loving guy. He is amazing and caring . He doesn't believe love is there for him but it's there waiting for him. When you meet him you'll never forget him

Girl 1: Maxime is so loving.

Girl 2: Yeah any girl will be lucky to have him.

by Rose lilly June 19, 2018

37πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


a succinet formulation of a fundamental principle, general truth, or rule of conduct

the maxim was very powerful and everyone believed it.

by Jkmh September 11, 2008

147πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž