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North Korea

Threatening to take a dump, then never doing so

Some people say that they need to drop a nuke when they need to shit.

Oh, Jimmy's just doing the ol' North Korea rountine again

by Chris TDH April 30, 2018

North Korea

A bizarre Asian twilight zone where the most basic things you've been taught since first grade are untrue. The dictator Kim Jong-il is a deity according to the average citizen. The army is starving, amputations are performed without anesthesia or electricity, and the people are forced to wear uniforms.

North Korea is not a pleasant place to live.

by kmfr November 2, 2010

161๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

North Korea

A nation full of Brainwashed People

Our Glorious, Powerful, King of the World, Mighty Dear Leader of North Korea

by Anonymous Bittermelon June 9, 2010

325๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

North Korea

No. 1 retarded country in the world ruled by a retarded fatass psycho who only cares about himself and spends millions on nuclear weapons but can't even feed his people, causing them to become cannibals. Uses weapons and technology that date back to the mid 1900s. Depends on China to survive. Threatens Asian neighbours and USA but the threats are considered as jokes. Laughing stock of the world.

South Korean guy: Why can't North Korea just unite with us?
Kim Jong Un: North Korea, the best of the best!

Normal dude: It's amazing that North Korea still exists, even with the help of China.
Faggot: What the hell is North Korea?

by Mr Confident July 16, 2016

63๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

North Korea

A communist country ran by a short and ugly dictator named Kim Jung Il. It is the only country in the world where the government (rarely) distributes food to you and you can't get it anywhere else unless you enjoy tree bark and grass. It is the only country where concentration camps thrive. It is the only country where everyone shares one religion: Kim Jung-il.

North Korea: the greatest theocracy in the world!

When I used to live in South Korea, my school asked me and others to donate money to buy grain for the North Koreans. About three years later, I found out that the donations went and will go to the military. This is why South Korea must reunite with her northern neighbor to get rid of this hellhole. I wish Bush would just nuke the Kims, but what can I expect from him?

by Kenny McCor July 8, 2006

730๐Ÿ‘ 212๐Ÿ‘Ž

North Korea

a bomb filled land with dirty pieces of shit (KIM JUNG UN)

it is a land that has a leader that

1. Looks like a dick head
2. fires missiles
3. f**** his mum
4. and scares little kids with his ugly motherf****** disgusting pig looking as face

"OH NO North Korea has bombed us" a white man yelled (while the USA i being bombed)

by YEETDEKING June 19, 2018

North Korea

The largest maximum security prison in the world.

I'm trapped in North Korea!

by Cheesejuicelolxd February 17, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž