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Nursery destroyer

A nursery destroyer is someone who takes an interest in younger kids like a nonce but the kids are even younger.

Oi Michael you’re such a nursery destroyer.

by Lewis0341 October 3, 2017

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nursery wank

To go to a child’s nursery and start masturbating

One day big Steve got bored so he went and had a nursery wank over all the little kids

by Benji bobble June 3, 2019

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nursery crime

An act of child molestation or paedophilia that occured while the victim was in the care of the alleged molester or paedophile.

OMGOMGOMG! Nursery crime, get 'im!

by Gumba Gumba March 3, 2004

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Nursery rhyme

Something your punk ass baby sings to help him sleep

Twinkle twinkle mother fucking star
That was a buetiful nursery rhyme!

by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 13, 2023

Nursery School Shit

Dealing with friends, family, or co-workers who act like Nursery School Kids... Acting like a kid, when your an adult and should know better...Treating others like a little kid, instead of an a adult. Watching others fight over stupid shit...Adults who tattletale on each other...

'I'm goona tell the boss you took an extra 5 minute lunch!' "You Know What?! Whatever. I'm Not Gonna Get Involed In That. That's Nursery School Shit."

by Vapster2112 December 10, 2010

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fat gay nursery

The room where the fat gay baby lives.

If you don't go clean your fat gay nursery, you won't get any bacon!

by veggie soup June 19, 2008

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Rainbow Nursery School

A Rainbow Party in which all the girls are under 18 years of age.

My dick hurts from Rainbow Nursery School

by erocnroll December 22, 2010