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A nursery, or a preschool, is a place that children attend for two years before primary school. In nurseries kids can have fun whilst at the same time get taught.

One method of teaching in a nursery is called Montessori. This method relies on independence and freedom within limits. It is particularly helpful for kids with special needs, such as Autism.

Because the children are young, the teachers would have to be gentle with the kids.

My 3 year old kid called Bob goes to Baker Street Nursery in Stirling. Where does your kid go for nursery?

by FunkDaBeat September 28, 2014

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breasts, particularly those of a female

I need to get me some of her nursery.

by Sanotaan May 7, 2006

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nursery rhymes

The slightly rediculous rhymes your mother told you when you were little. They usually contain babies crashing to the ground in cradles, and riding riding six white horses around moutains.

Boy: Mom, did you tell me nursery rhymes when I was litte?

Mother: Yes, you loved the one about some guy burning his package on a candle stick.

by Dr.Pepperlotsundbergy April 26, 2008

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nursery rhyme

A Hunger games Style challenge in real life where (parents) test their (children) against others parents children to see which child has the best musical (talent), (memory), (patience) and other (bullshit).

Alright kids! Lets learn a nursery rhyme

by Soupy69 January 28, 2020

nursery pipe

Screaming nursery age child

Josh is such a nursery pipe.

by tonyDmasterninja September 23, 2011

Nursery rhymes

Written by the greatest psychos in history, whom are praised to be the greates authors in history, Nursery rhymes will do one of the following to your kid.

A. Turn your kid into a psycho
B. Tramatize your kid for life

Sometimes I wonder what the difference is between Nursery rhymes, and a rated R movie.

Nursery rhymes have a dark history, like the baby that fell out of the tree, or the reference to the black death, very child friendly (Sarcasm)

by Xfdsjvstvzrgxz December 26, 2018

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Nut Nursery

Eight of these are required for creation of a gug.

Yoooo! I just got my 8th Nut Nursery! Holy shit nigga, that's a gug!!

by TNfiend May 30, 2023