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Bucky O'Hare

"Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars" was originally a comic produced in the early eighties (the graphic novel came out in 1984) about a green anthropormorphic hare who, with his crew of other mammals and one human, fought toads in an intergalactic space war. In 1989 it became a TV show and in 1991 Hasbro released the toys.
In 1992 konami released Bucky O'hare video game for the nintendo entertainment system

Bucky is l33t

by The man the call VADER October 26, 2003

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O'Hare Dare

When you try to fly to or from Chicago O'Hare airport without getting delayed.

Tom - "Dude where are you right now"
Mike- "I'm still stuck in Chicago. Delayed 4 hours."
Tom - "You should have known better than to gamble on the O'Hare Dare!"

by 1mpossible April 9, 2009

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Aloysius O'Hare

The villain in the children's animated film The Lorax. He purposely trashes the environment to worsen the quality of air so that he can sell his own for profit.

Oh look it's... Aloysius O'Hare! The man who found a way to sell air... and became a zillionaire!

by UltraHylia August 11, 2020

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sean o'hare

a rabbit

who i love ;)

aww look at that sean o'hare! that sean o'hare sure is good at pole dancing!

by heywuzup? May 6, 2010

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Aloysius O'Hare

the man who found a way to sell clean air to those in Thneedville and became a zillionaire

he is also very hot and has very amazing hair

Aloysius O'Hare, you are the only reason I can breath fresh air uwu
ur so hot

by jeeeffff January 11, 2022

Samuel O'Hare

Someone who is always on your thoughts. Someone who is always in your heart. Someone who you'll want to spend the rest of your life with. Someone who just with a soft spoken word, can change the outlook of your day. He is the most incredible person that'll walk into your life and from that day on, you'll share only special moments with. Life is not easy, but he will change every dynamic known to you. He is someone you look forward to seeing, knowing, being with and forever present in your mind, you'll know he's the one you want to see the world with. He's sincere, incredibly handsome, sweet, caring, super charming and that one hug of his is enough to set you free. You'll look forward to spending the future in his arms.

To me, Samuel O'Hare is all i know, all i see. To me, he is the only one i ever hoped would be. Today, tomorrow and forevermore.

by KristyCall01 May 23, 2010

Bucky O'Hare

One of the better kids' shows that appeared in the early ninties. Not as good as thundercats, masters of the universe or transformers. About average to teenage mutant ninja turtles, and far superior to power rangers

The toads got beat.

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 1, 2004

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