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overused comebacks

Comebacks are usually used for like well roasting some poop I guess, but some comebacks that are overused that are used over and over again are kinda annoying, some "baddies" use tiktok comebacks cause they probably see it on their FYP but if you use a comeback that is so not original then you're probably lonely, so just stop using overused comebacks like this person did:

Amanda: "wow you're so uglyyy..also dont be one of those baddies using overused comebacksss
Susie: "maybe you should look in a mirror ugly poop"

by k1tt7y June 26, 2021

babe = overused

'Babe' only in the sense that people use it all the time and to friends or sometimes people they don't even know that well.

This is when babe is used to the max anywhere it can be used, even when its needless and false as it carries no real sentiment; unlike when used with a boy or girlfriend.

"Babes" can also be used in all the above cases as a kind of 'babe' replacement.

1. "Hey babe!" as a greeting
2. "Awww babe" When somthing bad happens
3. "Can you give me a lift babe?" when they want somthing
4. "love you babe!" As a sign off

This shows all the times babe = overused

by Sig33 December 6, 2008

47👍 57👎

overused trump

The over use of words that go through the trumpification process (The words that involve trump by merging trump and another word and the words that don't mean trump but "actually" do)

"Man trump should go trump himself hahaha"

"Man shut the fuck up with that overused trump shit"

by DickCuntCockFart March 28, 2017

1👍 2👎

Overuse of D

The improper use of the letter "d" when spelling a word.

Deshawn: d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-done.

Wilhelm: You are a stupid shit for using "d" that much. The word "done" is spelled with one "d," not nine. That there is overuse of D if I ever saw it.

by Kaiser Chaos May 19, 2011

1👍 5👎

Overuse it

IThis word actually comes from a Latino woman ciaran , it has the same meaning as use it alot .

I said you use your exit pass a lot, not overuse it. Over Over

by February 8, 2023