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I person that seems like a chill guy but really has a small cock and is a dumbass

sup needless youre a fucking cunt

by OneFestiveBoi April 6, 2021

Needless Markup

Slang for Neiman Marcus, a very expensive department store.

I spent $5 for my t-shirt at Target, but she spent $105 for the same shirt at Needless Markup.

by KChristieH September 27, 2007

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needless markups

Slang for the department store Neiman Marcus

Why go to to Bloomingdale's, when you can go to Needless Markups & pay double the price, for the same pair of Billy's!!

by Broke as a Joke July 8, 2007

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needless to say

An unnecessary and somewhat obnoxious introduction to an obvious observation.
Synonymous with the phrase β€œit goes without saying.”

Person A: I heard that my teacher’s vagina smells like a toxic waste dump. Needless to say I won’t be putting my nose anywhere near that.

Person B: If it’s needless to say, then why did you say it?

Person A: Well…I…uh…I don’t know.

Person B: Dick (while walking away).

by Wite Vagina Finda January 19, 2010

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Needless To Say

Something you add to a statement when you know that it really isn't needless to say.

I went to my seven-year-old nephew's birthday party last night. Needless to say, I got wasted.

by Your mother.. June 16, 2010

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Needless cactus

A term used for someone that is useless

Dude, this guy is being a total needless cactus

by BSlitB February 22, 2021

Needless Killer

1. A person that chooses to hunt for no other reason but to kill. 2. Someone that claims to be religious but kills without remorse. 3. A so-called "Outdoors Men" that doesn't find pleasure in just enjoying being outdoors; but rather kills animals for sport. 4. A murderer that kills humans for pleasure. 5. A Psychopath.

Needless Killers are just too common where I live. I once saw a man shoot a deer and then left it to rot in the street. He didn't eat it or anything. I found it odd that he had a "What would Jesus do?" bumper sticker on his truck.

by the2ndflood February 29, 2008

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