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liberal ploy

An illusion of fear created by democrats to make liberal policies come to


Global warming- Scientists say October 2009 was coldest on record in North

America. However, Al Gore go to the UN during a blizzard wanting to save trees

so he uses the global warming card as a liberal ploy.

Swine flu- The democrats are making swine flu seem like a larger international

crisis than the black plague. No more deaths will come of swine flu than regular

flu. In spring 2010, liberals will use swine flu as a success story in a liberal

ploy for universal health care.

2009 Stimulus package- Obama wanted to reinvest in the economy through

infrastructure and jobs. However he invested in millions in saving animals in

California (Pelosi country). What a liberal ploy.

by seanbmoredudeyeahbuddy November 19, 2009

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pluto ploy

A run-around. An employee is lured into being a company man and unpaid manager, as well as doing unpleasant jobs, with the promise that at some point they will be able to do a particularly valued job. That point never comes.

Source: Disneyworld. The promise is "do this dirty job and you can be ... Pluto"

"So I watched over the office while the Old Man was gone and told him everything everyone was doing - AND handled all his mail - and he still took Janet to the expo thing at Vale, and I'm working month-end accounts all weekend. Total Pluto Ploy."

by Donny Drywrite May 31, 2009

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Pity Ploy

A pity ploy (n.) is a term used when someone fishes for affection, compliments, or a free pass to excuse how they act by self degrading themselves to make you feel bad for them. Pity= is what the person wants from you and ploy= is the fact that they came up with a motive and plan to get pity from others. Ergo, the term pity ploy is formed. Don't be this person it's narcissistic.

Friend 1: *sends receipts of an altercation*
Friend 1: "Do you see how this bitch literally pulls an 'oh woe is me' card every time I have a valid point"
Friend 2: "omfg they do that to me too- yeah it's clear that they just wanted to come up with a pity ploy to win the argument"
Friend 1: "I know dude it's annoying as shit"

by Iwillchokeyou September 14, 2022

ploy jinx

An undefined object that would cost โ‚ฌ1,000,000 to merely place a deposit on

Could I buy some ploy jinx?

by Margotployjinx August 7, 2022

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Twigged on my ploy

Type of sex act performed by rabbits

Apparently, censor twigged on my ploy

by @dragan January 27, 2011

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the old right-handed circumcision ploy

A tactic designed to divert a person's attention from what is really going on. This entails grabbing any close sharp object with the right hand and circumcising the nearest male creature.

Generally this is very successful at diverting attention, especially when undertaken without an anesthetic. We don't recommend circumcising anybody when you are taking drugs, anyway.

Well, we got away with the bank job by using the old right-handed circumcision ploy on the guard. Even though she was a woman, it did the trick.

by ivor_crotchpayne February 5, 2010

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Popcorn pecker box ploy

Where usually at the movies a guy will cut the bottom out of popcorn box and stick his pecker through the hole where as his girlfriend also eats popcorn unaware out of the box she will discover his pecker in it.

I tried the popcorn pecker box ploy.

by The Fury 13 September 26, 2010

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