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Pulling a Reaves

Having a Ph.D., and being a college professor, but still never showing to class or giving a shit about anything.

I don't feel like getting up today and taking care of my responsibilities as a professor, so I'm pulling a Reaves and just staying in bed while my students actually show up to class

by BK2485 October 11, 2011

Reav One

Renowned grafitti artist from Tucson, Arizona.

Reav One's sick graffing skillz can be seen all over the streets of Az.

by Werd won November 6, 2006

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Ryan Reaves

A forward for the St. Louis Blues. He is the leader of the goon squad and never loses a fight.

Ryan Reaves is the best goon in the NHL.

by Ikehylt October 25, 2016

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micheal reaves

an insane addiction to tasing peaple including yourself

i have micheal reaves

by femalehyenadick August 15, 2020

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mr. reaves

A tall security guy that likes to hang out with little kids while on duty. Has the risk of losing his job because of the little kids. Also is friends with a bunch of arabs.

You don't want to mess with Mr. Reaves.

by fasterkid21 April 4, 2017

niall reaves

he's the most precious person in one's life. man full of surprises, cares so much to the ones he loves, and indeed lovable! he sometimes act silly yet still a very considerate person. he expresses his feelings in a different way and that what makes him more special.

Girl: I think i have a crush on niall reaves

by anette chenoa November 25, 2021

Chip Reaves

Global CEO of Computer Troublshooters, the largest computer repair franchise in the world. Chip is very involved in his church, his local community, and the global community as well. He is also not sick today, as he really should be going to the beach.

Man, last week, Chip Reaves told me to go fix a computer in Uraguay. WhereΒ΄s Uraguay?

by memorextdclassic May 23, 2009