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Republican Party

A group of old white knuckle draggers who think fondly of times when women and minorities were subjugated and destroying the environment is a good thing.

The Republican Party is proposing legislation to roll back regulation on the coal industry. Thank God for that, I don't live in Coal Country but I will be able to enjoy the pollution it creates.

by Confortably Numb October 4, 2018

26๐Ÿ‘ 6475๐Ÿ‘Ž

Republican Party

The homosexual pedophilesโ€™ party. Dedicated to sheltering homosexual pedophiles.

RepublicanParty: Do I make you horny?
Underage_boy23: A little.
Republican Party: Cool.

by author October 5, 2006

728๐Ÿ‘ 9254๐Ÿ‘Ž

Republican Party

The party that parties with underage boys.

Ain't no party like a Republican Party because a Republican Party don't stop....until underage boys are solicited.

by captain not a homo October 18, 2006

469๐Ÿ‘ 9054๐Ÿ‘Ž

Republican Party

A political party started in the 1860s. They were the second party set on ending slavery. The Irony is that They are now holding up the confederate flag of the same group that their people fought against in the 1860s.

The Republican Party is a oxymoron

by oi hu u bloody luking at skank May 12, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 2995๐Ÿ‘Ž

Republican Party

1. The United States' conservative party and the current majority party in all branches of government.
2. Something more for the teenage vegan hippie-tards here on UD to hate.

You all are just jealous because the Republican Party owns you!

by Treima May 8, 2006

8830๐Ÿ‘ 527๐Ÿ‘Ž

Republican Party

The U.S. political party which purports advocating the constitution and freedom of the individual with the least interference/assistance from the Federal Government. Unfortunately, because of F.R.D. and the National Rehabilitation Act (NRA) The Federal Government is now completely and firmly meshed with every part of our lives. As it always is, Power corrupts and the ultimate goal is not to enact change but to maintain power. This is true of both of the major U.S. political parties.

The Republican Party says that life is scared but then push the death penalty. The Democratic Party says abortion is acceptable but will not allow the death of a convicted murderer.

by Vern Hapshack December 17, 2007

3428๐Ÿ‘ 298๐Ÿ‘Ž

Republican Party

the true political party for the United States of America. This political party takes the interests of real Americans (not illegal immigrants) and does its best to protect and preserve individual rights and the constitution of United States. This political party is made for those Americans who give something back to America and American values, such as hard honest work, and taking responsibility for your own actions.

If you dont believe in such things as "the best man for the job gets it regardless of race, color or creed" or having kids without taking responsibility for them then this isnt the political party for you.

Say what you want about George Bush, but he certainly didnt raise the national debt into the trillions less then 1 year into his Presidency.

Special Note: If you are a terrorist then you certainly dont like or belong to the Republican Party.

Idiot Liberal: That Rep. Wilson is a jerk for what he did.
Republican Party: While it was in bad taste, you do know Obamacare didnt have any provisions excluding healthcare for illegal immigrants until he said something right?
Idiot Liberal: Oh,...the media never reported that.

Republican: Wow you mean the liberal media didnt report that?!? There is a huge surprise.

Nancy Pelosi: We need to give more back to charities and shelter the homeless. Follow my example, why last year I gave over $100,000 to charity.
Republican: Your family's net worth is almost $50 Million, thats less then half of 1% of it. So if I give $500 we could be considered even right?

Dennis Kucinich: Abolish the death penalty.
Republican: Has any member of your family been raped or murdered?

Kucinich: Of course not, we dont live around poor people or in a poor neighborhood.
Republican: So you have no idea what its like to have that happen to you?
Kucinich: Nope
Republican: How you got elected I will never know.

by Skidmark McGee October 1, 2009

4944๐Ÿ‘ 372๐Ÿ‘Ž