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Ritalin is a drug for people with ADD
its mentioned in Greenday's jesus of suburbia

'On a steady diet of
Soda pop and Ritalin'

by ranikins94 November 22, 2007

117๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ritalin is Methylphenidate which is a type of speed.

GUy1: gimme some ritalin... man...
guY2: no they are mine
gUy1: fuck... not even a little... man?
guY2: no, absolutly not you are not getting any of my ritalin.
guy1: fuck... man

by fuckingonyourfrontlawn August 4, 2006

302๐Ÿ‘ 194๐Ÿ‘Ž


a prescription drug that is used for ADHD. it is also used to treat daytime drowsiness,and chrnic fatigue, etc. many people often abuse it and use it as a drug to get high which can lead to many bad side effects difficulty sleeping, hallucinations, stomach ache, changes in blood pressure, diarrhea, lack of hunger (anorexia, eg.)

- Yo my cousin was usin' ritalin and she is skinny as heck! She doesnt eat anything and throws up a lot.
- man i used to take ritalin to get high and it wuz the best feeling in the world...until i crashed and got messed up.

by XxandriaxX April 6, 2008

63๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


perscribed to people with "a.d.h.d." and is probably the most fun drug you can get with a perscription seeing as its watered down speed. If your going to use it recriationally over time the high will last allot shorter and youll want more almost instantly,pretty much non addictive.

little tommy: gosh my new pills are great fun to snort!
(3 months later)
tommys mom: huh thats funny we just got a new bottle of ritalin if tommys seen it...

by zak7 October 23, 2006

96๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ritalin Mafia

The tight-knit groups of academic high-achievers who owe some or all of their accomplishments to illicit use of Adderall (Ritalin). Very common in prestigious universities.

"Know where I can get some oxy?"
"I'd recommend asking one of the ritalin mafia guys. They know the right doctors."

by Harvard Business May 26, 2009

104๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ritalin Rush

The time period before and during finals when everyone is frantically studying all that shit they didn't pay attention to in class, usually with the help of perscription ADHD medicine. During this time the black market value of such drugs increases as students discover how scarce the drugs have become, with everyone denying their own secret stash as they search for more.

"Yo you got any ritalin bro?"
"Naw, sorry, it's the ritalin rush, ya know"

by righteous asshole December 21, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

electronic ritalin

electronic devices given to children - I-pods, cell phones, DVDs in cars, X-Box, Play Station, Nintendo, etc - to keep them quiet & busy - can range from a blessing to a curse

"Honey, did you bring the electronic ritalin? This is going to be a twelve hour drive"

"Yes the boys picked out a dozen DVDs and brought their I-Phone chargers"

"Now we can discuss every life issue in privacy and fall in love again"

"What do we do when the DVDs run out? Listen to their stories and fall in love with them again"

by Alpino August 5, 2012

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