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Mormon Road-Block

Similar to a Moving Road-Block, a Mormon Road-Block is the situation where three or more vehicles are pacing each other on the freeway. This causes problems for those trying to speed past slower vehicles. A Mormon Road-Block is worse than a Moving Road-Block because Mormons typically drive mini-vans, Suburbans, or specially made 15 person vans, so as to carry their families. This means that even if vehicles are not trying to pace one another, a roadblock can still occur because of the simple size of the vehicles.

Tim: Why weren't you here on time? Didn't you leave early enough?
Mike: I left in time, but I got stuck behind a Mormon Road-block

by SmoothDogg May 12, 2006

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Tijuana Road Block

When two cars are driving side by side on a two lane road at the same speed not allowing anyone pass. Either intentionally or unintentionally.

Sorry it took me so long to get here, I was stuck behind a Tijuana Road Block.

by Poovie July 10, 2009

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Louisiana Road Block

The act of lubing up a balloon and proceeding to insert it into your partner's anus and then pumping it up aggressively. After inserted and pumped up, you may attempt to pop the balloon with your penis or other penis-shaped objects. Preferably a chilled cucumber.

Wow! I can't believe she's still limping from that Louisiana Road Block I gave her last night.

by Dr. Fornication July 3, 2012

Ghetto Road Block

When urban youth all stand in the road making it impossible to pass without hitting one. Then one stands directly in front of the car while the others aproach to harass or rob the driver.

Look at those fools standing in the road trying to make a Ghetto Road Block unfortunantely for them they are unclear of physics and I have bad brakes!

by Survive1999 July 11, 2008

alberta road block

Used mostly in Canada (cause no one else knows where the hell Alberta is), it refers to two cars driving side by side on a 4 lane highway or road. This is usually done by pricks who dont understand the concept of the left lane being the FAST LANE (or passing lane in the states). Eventually the person in the left lane smartens up and leaves. Also known as a cock block.

Man, Im sorry Im late but I was stuck doing 90 clicks on the highway behind an Alberta road block.

by Clark H September 17, 2005

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calgary road block

is a situation where you are Driving on the hwys around calgary and two mentally chalanged drivers are travelling side by side atleast 10km under the speed limit. Neather one is passin the other.

So I'm driving in my abulance down hwy#2 and these two pieces of pure panty waiste are creating a Calgary Road block. I have my lights flashing and my sirens blazing. Nothing, they just wont move. Outa nowhere a RCMP comes wheeling around me and smashes that Calgary Road block right off the Highway.Justice served

by Justa Do'nmyjob June 20, 2005

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russian road block

The act of a male ejactulating on a girls eyes while she is sleeping so when she wakes up her eyes are stuck and do not open

Jill was being mean to Jack so he snuck into her room and gave her a Russian Road Block

by funnyshitman June 24, 2009

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