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The empty soda can

After creaming in a girl you douche out her vagina. Then you drink the liquid from the douching.

I just gave my girlfriend the empty soda can.

by dlanodJ September 25, 2008

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soda can ass bitch

A bitch that you throw a soda can at

Mark got a soda can thrown at him he’s a soda can ass bitch

by Jaggy the baggy April 28, 2022

arabian soda can

a women must jack the male off so he can jizz into the can. Next you will have to cut the can in half and then insert it into the males ass, Finally the women must grab it out with her mouth and consume all of the soda.

That mother fucka zech totally tried the arabian soda can with his mom last night before they ate dinner.

by trifecta crew 101 May 3, 2010

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packing a soda can in his pants

Having a large amount of girth to one’s penis.

He was packing a soda can in his pants

by MILF 49 May 2, 2018

soda-can dick

A really gurthy dick

Dude 1: Hey you wanna see something ?
Dude 2: Yeah show me.
Dude 1: Here.
Dude 2: Woah that's a mofo soda-can dick! i never knew.

by frozenwintershit May 26, 2018