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A pretty cool , goofy, smart, funny, charming, friend you could ever ask for. From Stayton Oregon. He can ride a BMX bike like a pro despite being legally blind. He will fall in love quickly , take care of you at all costs, and be your main side kick when ever you need him. He's an all around awesome dude!

Guy #1- "Steve-O can't see shit, how the f$#k does he ride his BMX bike so well?"

Guy #2- " idk but I'm kinda jealous of him!"

by F$ckaround&f$nd@ut October 9, 2023

steve o

Steve Irwin's nickname for Australians. He died doing what he loved. R.I.P MATE WE MISS YOU

oi mate chuck us a bunnings snag for steve o

good old' steve o was a legend

by larambe November 21, 2016

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steve-o tattoo

to get a tattoo of yourself on yourself.
named after steve-o of jackass.

did you see his steve-o tattoo

by tuperroesfeo September 18, 2008

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Going Steve O

when you get a number of tattoos in one sitting, foolishly enduring pain like the epic Steve O, as he has many tattoos. Such as the one of his face on his back, and the smiley face he got done while off roading.

Dude- you getting a tattoo?
Dudette- yeah, stars up my arm
Dude- ouch, wont that really hurt?
Dudette- nah, I'll only have a few done at a time, im not going Steve O on it!

by DaveKurtandFaye January 8, 2010

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Steve 'O Spaghettios

Steve 'O Spaghettios is an awesome and sometimes cringy youtuber that is not very popular but releases good content. You should go subscribe to him.

Guys, did you hear about Steve 'O Spaghettios? He is so awesome!

by neonatik_yt November 28, 2019

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steve-o special

a name for a particular meal from fish 'n' chik i.e. fishcake, burger and chips otherwise known as a heart attack in a bag.

by ED WINCHESTER May 15, 2003

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steve o's balls

i want to lick them

i wanna lick steve o's balls

by cheetowrap May 12, 2022