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Straw is to be used as an adjective describing an event that was of superior quality. It can also be used to describe someone's skills at a sport and/or game. The origin of this a bit hazy, but it is believed that it originated when a group of young men were sitting at a restaurant and one man said it out of random. From then on, the word launched into lingo history.

"That was mad straw dude."
"I am so straw at this sport."

by Michael Dunn January 18, 2006

52πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


A marijuana cigarette.

Attorney: Sir, how many straws did you smoke that day?

Witness: What?

by the clash December 5, 2008

42πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž


Something killing the turtles SO STOP USING THEM

chic 1~ want me to grab you a straw
Chic 2~ ya and why don’t you murder a puppy while your at it

by Notyourchic May 14, 2019

10πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Something u suck on

Boi she gave me a fucking straw

by Because-why-not December 2, 2019

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A grown mans penis.

She sucked on my straw.
I let her suck on my straw.
I whipped out my straw.
She saw my straw and was amazed.

by Ganjaguy May 2, 2008

28πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


the act of inserting coffee straws into the coin slot of a 4 or 2 quarter Foosball table/Jitz table, to get a free game. usually can work on pool tables and air hockey tables =)

"yo, damn, dude we played like 100 games for free, cause the owner strawed the tables for us"

by jitz freak August 11, 2005

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When you wake up in the morning after a long night of alcoholic beverage intake, can't walk straight, and have your neighbor to drive you to Ihop

"Man, I was so Strawed this morning. Thank god Rachel drove me."

by Bringingitwayback January 17, 2016

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž