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A Spoiled rich kid who has no life,that makes drama when they get bored because they have nothing better to do are sufferers of Suburbanitis.

The pampered rich bitch had no life, so she started a fight because of something another girl had on myspace for no reason as a cause of Suburbanitis.

by patches o'hoolihan August 3, 2007

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The condition in which one is so bored of their seemingly perfect suburban lifestyle to the point where they feel the need to rebel, do bad in school, etc. to fufil their boredom.

I'm so tired of this boring suburban town.

It sounds like you have suburbanitis.

by Chrys Flowers April 3, 2017

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A truck that will pull your piece of shit ford around town like it's a ghost trailer.

Tug of war? Against a Burb? Yr a dumb motherfucker. That Suburban will pull your ford like a ghost trailer.

by excicutioner February 1, 2016

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acute or chronic inflammation of the desire to keep up with the β€œJoneses”, caused by dual income heterosexual marriages, irrational desires to live in a poorly built and unoriginal home while acquiring as much debt as possible, or exposure to the β€œreal” world including poverty and violence

Since they have been married, Melinda and Edward suffer from such bad suburbanitis; I don't know how they manage to pay their mortgage with their four cars, boat, motorcycle, and constant traveling abroad.

by suburbanitis.wordpress.com April 13, 2010

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SubUrban Dictionary

A website that should be created to post all of the words that get declined from being posted on Urban Dictionary. It's a wonderful idea that should be carried out.

I wish Urban Dictionary would create a website called SubUrban Dictionary to publish all the words that they decline to posting on the website

by Schro November 25, 2014

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suburban tourist

A douchebag who drives around the suburbs at half the legal speed limit, looking at houses that he and his stuck up yuppie wife would like to purchase. Suburban tourists usually travel in groups of twos or threes in late model Dodge Caravans or VW Jettas, and have a tendency to stop randomly to point and discuss the latest shade of any butt-ugly pastel coloured siding they might encounter. They also love to stare at you when you're mowing the lawn, as they seem to think their stares and finger pointing are invisible to anyone outside their car.

I was late coming home for dinner today. There was a hoard of suburban tourists driving down Rutherford Road. FUCK ME!

by cokemidget July 11, 2008

nigger in a suburban

A non-driving asshole who is careless about anyone on the road except for themselves. Usually have loud bass playing in their car to draw attention to themselves.

Look at that nigger in a suburban!! He is speeding and expects everyone to speed up for him! Oh wait! Thats Pacman from the Tennessee Titans.

by IUDEDYOUBROHAHA February 8, 2013

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