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A common insult, often abbreviated to sux on the interweb, used when describing a bad performance.

Mistakenly thought to refer to a blow-job, "... sucks" refers to the fact that the dutch noticed that certain boats "sucked" water and this would result in a little wave at the back of the boat. The larger the wave, the slower the boat would go; and at a time where there was a big issue with pirates and other naval threats, the fact that a boat "sucked" meant that it performed badly.

"What did you think of the match yesterday?"
"It really sucked!

by Fishjelly April 9, 2011

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When one friend is having a chiefly amazing day compared to the other. This may involved sleeping in late, extra long showers and day drinking. It will likely cause intense jealously in the other friend, stuck at work, inciting the claim that the fun friend "sucks."

Meredith, your 45 minute shower and bloody marys on a Wednesday make me think that you really really really suck.

by MerMer66 April 6, 2016

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When someone pisses you off to the point you tell them to suck. Meaning to suck my penis!

Jenny: How about you shut up!
Brandon: How about you suck!

by B-Buckets-21 February 15, 2017

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Short for suck dick, referring to mid-to-late 20th century ridiculing of a person who would suck dick, in other words women and especially gays. It was used to describe (in mainly humorous ways at the time) anything that was unworthy, regretful, or dissatisfying.

Today suck is used in more serious tones and refers to anything considered disappointing.

Samsung phones suck!

My dad won’t let me go. He sucks

Bruh, that concert last night sucked.

by Tolteca July 10, 2020

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I will suck your Cox

by Lick a lot October 3, 2018

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verb- to have the characteristic of being very harrible at something, something that happened that was unsatisfactory, or an object/person that lacks talent and/or skill. Most common word used in the bandroom.
one of the 3 philosophies of life

Noun- a thing that in itself is the verb definition of suck. (Something that is lame, looks bad and is untalented)

V. 1) You Suck at this game go play bridge with your grandmother.
2) This has to be the most sucktacluar event in the history of suckness.

n. 1) Stupid Suck. (stupid being bad at this particular activity)
2) No my painting doesn't work it looks like suck!! my life is ruined.
3) You are suck.

by Drizzle the Squirrel October 26, 2005

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sucks to suck

"(It) sucks to suck" - A remark usually made after a person experiences misfortune and/or tells others about it. Can be used to ridicule someone, as a way of expressing annoyance or frustration with a complainer, or simply as an indifferent acknowledgement of the other person's misfortune.

Dude 1: (accidentally spills drink on shirt)
Dude 2: Haha, sucks to suck!

Bro 1: Ugh, I've got three exams this week and I haven't even started studying yet.
Bro 2: Sucks to suck.

Guy 1: Man, I lost my wallet last weekend, and I still haven't found it.
Guy 2: Sucks to suck, bro.

by GottaHaveCereal April 4, 2011

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