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Ejaculating on a pregnant woman's stomach in a spiral like design. Giving her belly a "sundae" like effect.

I gave that fat pregnant chick a sundae.

by jeff jeff March 10, 2008

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Anchovy Sundae

Refers to a woman's vagina that is exceptionally smelly.

"I got her drawers off, but as I was getting down to it I caught a whiff of her fanny. Talk about toe rag this was an anchovy sundae!"

by AKACroatalin March 28, 2015

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Atlanta Sundae

When you come upon an outhouse at a concert or something and its mostly filled with shit and cum mixed together.

Dude don't use the middle outhouse, there is a ferocious "Atlanta Sundae" in there.

by KorKraos August 25, 2017

australian sundae

The act of putting chocolate syrup, whipped cream, a cherry, and sprinkles if you wish on a girl's "down under" and then eating it off and out of her. Ice cream optional, hence it will get a little messy. G'day mate ;)

I had a delcious australian sundae last night with this girl i met at outback yesterday, who works at coldstone.

by koalabear69 July 17, 2009

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oklahoma sundae

man ejaculates on an ice cream sundae and his partner eats it.

I hope Braum's and Dairy Queen do not make Oklahoma Sundaes.

by Jerk2 May 17, 2011

dick sundae

When you put Carmel whip cream and chocolate syrup on your dick and you have your significant other lick/suck it off

Dude you gotta try a Dick Sundae it's a great snack for your girl

by Dick sun dae September 19, 2013

Bloody Sundae

When a female does not flush the toilet after she has just taken a dump, pissed and menstruated. Normally occurs in places like dorm bathrooms, public restrooms and portable toilets.

"Ugh. Don't go in that stall, someone left a Bloody Sundae in there..."

by feelingsillynow February 3, 2012