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haunted house

a place where couples go to make out

Although the haunted house was fun, I think 7 minutes in heaven was better

by Jacqui Duzac December 2, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Haunted house

A girl who previously had an abortion

I was going to fuck her but I found out that shit was a haunted house a nigga died in that

by Mbk12 November 8, 2015

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mississippi Haunted House

The act of masterbating in your own hands to form a puddle of sticky baby batter in your palm. The individual then smacks his hands together in an aggressive manner. Then slowly release the hands in an equal and outward motion creating a spiderweb effect between your hands. Finally, shove your own face or an preferably any unsuspecting victims face into the strings of sticky mess. The desired effect should feel eerily similar to that of walking into spiderwebs inside of a haunted house.

Bro 1- โ€œDude, I donโ€™t know what product you use but your hair looks great. So shiny and slick, but whatโ€™s with the glistening lines running like highways across your face??โ€

Bro 2- โ€œOh thatโ€™s not hair product, and those freeways of goodness you noticed are in fact cum. When I walked into the party, Chad hit me with an old fashioned Mississippi Haunted House and slathered me brow to chin in cum.โ€

Bro 1- โ€œSorry about the cum, but you gotta respect the got bro.โ€

by ButtleLicker69420 January 14, 2020

Haunted House Video

This place is our flophouse weโ€™re the flop sit a cvm

Oh my god bestie letโ€™s go watch the Haunted House Video

by BaddieMcFatty December 25, 2021

Haunted House Hoe

A girl you hit on the month of october so you can take her to haunted houses, hold her hand, and get it in. A halloween side bitch.

"You and megan getting serious?"
"Nah bro, she my haunted house hoe, her ass look good in leggings thats all."

by ziggytheman October 2, 2015

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

haunt a house

someone extremely unattractive could do this hypothetically

Damn, that mf was so ugly he could haunt a house.

by sassymchateful August 14, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

haunted gingerbread house

The Halloween version of a gingerbread house

Dude I just bought a haunted gingerbread house for 5.99 at walmart

by Ya got any grapes? November 2, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž