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The recap segments which preface episodes of many television serials to remind the viewer what happened in previous episodes. Often accompanied by an announcer or on-screen message that says, e.g., "Previously on Lost."

"Oh man, I was late for Lost and missed the previouslies!"

by J. Running February 20, 2009

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


you used to be great

playing in background at dive bar: glory days they will pass you by glory days...
drunk guy at bar: yeah i lost a few in the midst of the cornucopia I guess... being captain of the football team it was like that man. understandably they all wanted me
woman in ear shot: previously

by williet hughnot December 19, 2019

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Before now.

Several things have happened previously, including the second world war and unidentified drinking injuries.

No-one can prevent things that happened previously.

"Children should learn about things that happened previously."

"I previously had a job."

"Previously to you, I had another wife."

by Jamie Douglas November 20, 2006

15πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

previously on...

Something you don’t need as you have been watching the tv show 9 hours straight.

Previously on....Once Upon a Time (Short clip of what happend last episode).

by Lainey Bora June 7, 2018

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Previously Owned

A euphenism for a used item. May not be a bad thing in the sense of Previously Owned DVD movie, but can be bad in the sense of a Previously Owned computer or automobile where you're buying somebody else's problem..

We have dozens of certified Previously Owned cars on the lot ready for you to drive away today!

by Wm. Wallace the Freedom Fighter October 28, 2007

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Previously Owned

A derogative title given when a person is killed twice by the same opponent in any sort of Deathmatch or Fast Paced Game. Can be spelt in the manner given or modified with any number of l33t substitutions.

j00 jus bin Prevoiusly Owned, n00b

p33ps kant Previously pwn3d me

I > Pr3\/0151Y 0wnz0r3c| N|_|bbington

by Eric Alexander November 20, 2003

4πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Previously loved

A rather corny and exaggerated term for a mere used commodity. Such a description seemingly suggests that the end-user has had intense emotional connections with the item, as if it were a stuffed animal, a game console, (or an adult toy....)

Marketplace listing: Panasonic microwave, condition is previously loved.
Me: What did that guy do, make love to his microwave???

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian July 16, 2023