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Number 2

A rhyming slang for taking a poo.

For al those retar- I mean, people - who mistake number 3 for number 1, it's a rhyming slang. Number 3 means to pee. Number 1 means none.

Little boy Johnny, went to the loo,
He ate so much, he went for a number 2.
Little boy Johnny, got out of the loo,
He drank so much, he suddenly had to pee.
So Little Johnny went there and gone for a number 3!

Got it now?

by Light White Dragon March 1, 2012

35๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

number 2

a kiddie saying of taking a dump

alright im taking a number 2

by Urbannetwork20 March 12, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

number 2

A two cheeseburger combo meal at mcdonalds!

Uhhh, could i getta number 2 with a coke and supa size that shiet!

by DeeZNutZ July 29, 2003

133๐Ÿ‘ 201๐Ÿ‘Ž

Number 2

Just another way to describe taking a shit

Kaylee : Wow Jakes really mad today!
Kiersten : What's the big deal so I went Number 2 on his dick last night!
Kaylee : So I guess anal sex wasn't the best idea!
Chad : God Damn't Steve if you want me to continue fucking you in the ass you cannot go Number 2 on my dick ok!
Steve : Im sorry baby it's just your dick in my ass just makes me so excited plus I really like chili & tacos!
Chad : Yeah you do like licking chili off my dick & balls don't you!
Kaylee : Oh my god you two are so disgusting!
Kiersten : Yeah no kidding so gross guy's so gross!

by SlopNChop June 21, 2018

10๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Option Number 2

The second choice in the mental exercise 'Would You Rather?' It refers to having some dude with a giant dong bang you in the ass.

Would you rather do (insert anything here) or option number 2?

by yourefired December 29, 2011

106๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

chanel number 2

When woman sprays perfume after taking a dump in a bathroom. The room ends up smelling like both.

"The bathroom smells like chanel number 2"

by jcoops July 14, 2023

Door Number 2

Basically, the same thing as the poop chute, butthole, anus, or whatever flavor-of-the-week saying you have where you excrete feces.

Dude, that chick definitely wanted me to put it in door number 2.

by J. Saynt April 16, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž