Source Code

play n fuck

When a guy and girl play with each others body part's and then have a good fuck afterwards.

Chad and Keirsten enjoy there lunch time togerther so they can play n fuck!

by SlopNChop April 25, 2016

268πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Sex Sandwich

When a guy lays between two girls and fucks them the girls are the bread and the guy is the meat and mayonnaise.

Chad was enjoying a Sex Sandwich with Brigit and Maddie until Kiersten walked in and stopped it!

by SlopNChop November 19, 2016

98πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Moment On The Lips Lifetime On The Hips

A phrase used when someone is overeating

Kiersten : Hey Kaylee wanna go on break?
Kaylee : Yeah give me a second I need some chocolate!
Kiersten : Yeah me too!
Kaylee : Mmm I just love peanut butter cups I could eat a whole bag at once! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!
Kiersten : Damn Kaylee Moment On The Lips Lifetime On The Hips!
Kaylee : Who the fuck cares I love chocolate & peanut butter!
Steve : Wow Kaylee did I ever tell you how much I like fat girls!
Kaylee : Go Fuck Yourself Steve!
Steve : I would rather fuck your thunder thighs!
Kiersten : I told you Kaylee Moment On The Lips Lifetime On The Hips!

by SlopNChop May 5, 2018

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Pizza Hut

An inexpensive fast food restaurant where dating couples can dine on a budget.

Chad : Hey Kiersten want to go to the Pizza Hut tonight then afterwards we can go back to your place and fuck just like old time sake.
Kiersten : No way you cheap ass Jake's takin me to Red Lobster and an IMAX movie then were checkin into the Hilton for some amazing sex cause he has a 16 inch cock!
Chad : Well look's like I know who don't need a raise this year!
Kiersten : Who cares It's better than fuckin your stinky body!
Chad ; Excuse me I need to go home and shower!

by SlopNChop May 24, 2017

47πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Stroke n Suck

When a guy stroke's a girls hair and suck's her breasts at the same time.

Chad was on the couch with Kiersten in the middle of A Stroke n Suck when his wife walked on them!

by SlopNChop October 19, 2016

123πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Fuck Tool

A guys penis often used to fix a girl with a broken heart or down on her luck

Kiersten : Thanks Brad for fixing my sink sorry I can't pay you right now my boyfriend keeps breaking the bed and shitting on my furniture when we have sex!
Brad : Hey baby don't cry your money is no good with me anyway hey ive got just the tool to fix your problems!
Kiersten : And what might that be!
Brad : It's the most used tool in my collection!
Kiersten : Oh wow that's an amazing Fuck Tool do you think it could fix me?
Brad : Well it's never let me down yet!
Kiersten : Oh Brad! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! AHH! AHH! AHH! BRAD! BRAD BRAD!

Jake : Hey what's going on in there!
Kiersten : Oh BRAD! it's so amazing
Brad : Ride em cowgirl!
Kiersten : Yee Haw! Cum for me baby!
Jake : What The Fuck! Brad I know your in there get your Fuck Tool outta my girl!

by SlopNChop September 21, 2017

31πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Jerk Sauce

When a guy jerks cum out of his penis!

Chad : Wow Kiersten seeing you in my wife's Lingerie makes my dick so hard!
Kiersten : Why don't you shower me in your Jerk Sauce and release some of that!
Chad : Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!
Kiersten : Yummy!!!!

by SlopNChop November 29, 2016

80πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž