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unbiased opinion

A personal belief or feeling that has not been influenced/affected by magnetic fields.

I always carry an EMF detector with me into business meetings so that I can be more sure of forming an unbiased opinion.

by QuacksO June 25, 2020

unbiased opinion

When someone wants to see a pic of you so they can judge what you look like.

Me: Ugh, I'm so ugly.

Person: Maybe I can give you an unbiased opinion.

Me: Lol, go creep my Instagram and judge how ugly I am without me knowing, I'm not giving you a pic of me.

by cfc.group.haha March 8, 2016


When used to by a friend, an opinion that undoubtedly supports what you think that they would say.

"I need an unbiased 3rd party opinion. By unbiased I mean 'bro get my back' ."

by Ermurgurd February 17, 2023