Source Code


An urban area or city

Urb boi

by A guy who ohhhhhhhjjj August 16, 2018

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when you're too lazy to type in "Urban Dictionary" in google, so you just type in "urb" to get there faster

Let's find out what "shizzle" means. One sec, i'll just google "urb".

by UrbanPrick June 22, 2013

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The act of going on urban dictionary and looking up the words

Going on Urban Dictionary every morning to look up the word of the day

Adeola: Yo, Ben did you go Urbing?
Ben: Nah, I got an F in French
Adeola: Sucks.

Ben: Yo, I got a F in French, so I was urbing all night to heal my pain

Eddie: Yo, Im gonna go home and give Urbing a thumbs down.

Bashir: Adeola, you go urbing every morning at school. I wish I was you.

by The Zesty Eddies April 14, 2009


urb - short for Urban Dictionary

If you wanna know the meaning of any word, just type in into Google with urb after it.

Tony wanted to know what a penis is, so he Googled β€˜penis urb’. Penis Urban Dictionary explained to him what a penis is.

by kam75xx June 26, 2019

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When adding a word to Urban Dictionary and including one ore more names of your friends in the description.

Anders got Urbed when Henrik put his name in the descriptiontext for "mixmaster".

by BeefCake84 February 24, 2009

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urb it

when an individual hears and does not know the meaning of a slang term, instead of asking what it means, he/she will act as if they know the meaning of the word and then later go home and look up the definition on urbandictionary.com so as not to look like a complete noob.

something all of you have done.

"some kid said he pwn3d me last night and i said 'yeah whateva' but i had to urb it later on"

person #1 "dude, that bitch dropped a boston steamer on me last night!"
person #2 "... that's awesome!"
person #1 "dubtif? go home and urb that ish n00b"

by bravo shimon! August 10, 2005

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The Urbs

affectionate abbreviation for our beloved Urban Dictionary.

Mr A: are you on The Urbs right now?
Dr B: damn right!

by DrJonas March 15, 2007

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