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Man who eats, breathes and sleeps Harley Davidson. Doesn't own a cage, only owns his Harley. One not to be messed with. Answers to nobody but himself. They make the best friends. Bikers say what they mean and mean what they say. Very large balls. Real bikers ride Harley Davidson motorcycles.

He's a biker and belongs to a MC. Cops are afraid of bikers when they don't have their guns and badges. Bikers are quality people. He's not a biker, he rides a rice rocket. A lot of wannabe's think that they're real bikers. Bikers have no fear!

by 07'FLSTC December 11, 2008

104πŸ‘ 238πŸ‘Ž


Biker (bikΓ£r) n. 1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most comonly associeted with bike riders. 2. A person who owns or frequently rides and does tricks with a bike.

A: I'm going to ride my bike until I destroy that skatepark !
B: What a biker !

by SpeakinginthenameofRomania March 1, 2010

39πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž


the definition of a biker is a fat ignorant midget version of Michael Jackson


by YOURNAN6969 November 2, 2018

3πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Biker Dav

LG Hunting, Dry humper. Blackflip

That guy is so Biker Dav, he likes LG parties.

by Magooches January 20, 2012

biker fuck

Old biker that steals your girl

I hate that old biker fuck he took my girl

by stomphehead September 5, 2015

55πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

boss bikers

Ultimate bad ass V8 Bike riders group

Those guys are Boss Bikers!

by Dick Handy March 23, 2015

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Bikers for trump

Some dumbass rednecks that really love president trump

Redneck 1: did you hire security?
Redneck 2: yeah we’re using bikers for trump

by Unk%ow$ November 23, 2019

28πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž